The Society

We are a Society reaching genealogical researchers throughout the world who are researching their colonial British Guiana or post-independence Guyana ancestors. For the many Guyanese diaspora and descendants whose searches have met with disappointment, we hope to provide some alternative resources as they as discovered and whenever possible, transcriptions. Please note that we have no more information than is posted on this website and we do not do individual research. Therefore, inquiries regarding your personal research to the webmaster cannot be answered. Help on personal research should be posted on the Forum.

When the British left the then Colony named British Guiana, vital records (births, marriages, and deaths) were left in-country. Since independence, Guyana has experienced severe economic depression and civil strife, excluding any interest or ability to preserve or make available the historical and vital records.

Please read through the pages under the label heading "Research" on the above menu, as there are many suggestions of places to search. . Recent transcriptions have been added of colonial materials which may assist in the pursuit of colonial ancestors. New content is added as obtained. Keep checking for our new additions! Any newly discovered alternative secondary data sources will be posted here. And remember - we always welcome your contributions and suggestions.

What's New!

Searchable database of Emigrants from Guyana
Hathi Trust Digital Library collections (searchable) found by Riccardo Gomes This is a collection of copies of the Official Gazette of British Guiana for the years 1902 to 1917. They are searchable !
Please read review article here.

Masonic Members

Masonic members of British Guiana, from 1831 to 1921 as transcribed by Lisa Booth is now available

Where is Guyana ?

Located in the continent of South America, Guyana covers 196,849 square kilometers of land and 18,120 square kilometers of water, making it the 85th largest nation in the world with a total area of 214,969 square kilometers.
Guyana became an independent state in 1966, after gaining its sovereignty from Great Britain.
Guyana shares land borders with 3 countries: Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil.

Join the Forum!

Join us at our forum- post a query, ask questions, meet your fellow researchers! We are using the ProBoard website to host the Forum so please go to the ProBoard help guide if you are have problems there.
Registration is required to keep the Forum spam-free. You will get an activation key via email - enter the key and then choose "Keep me Logged in 'forever'" (For genealogy and history only - please, no political discussions)

A story of British Guiana by Steve Connolly
Step into an extraordinary and facinating world ...