
Our Global membership is one in which there are no fees and no formal meetings as we are physically separated by thousands of miles! Members are encouraged to participate in the growing of our website content and to keep in touch with one another via our online Forum. Anyone with an interest in Guyana/British Guiana genealogy is welcome to become a member. The only requirement for membership is that you register and participate in our online Forum, by posting at least one message there.

To become a member,

  1. Register and then post a message on our online Forum hosted by ProBoard (this too is free!) - There is a "Let's Get Acquainted" section where you could post a message about yourself and/or your Guyana experience or you could choose "Queries and Surnames" to list the surnames of the ancestors/relatives you are seeking... among other topics.

  2. If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact the webmaster or Asst Webmaster

  3. Should you need help on how to use the Forum, please consult the ProBoard website's Online Help Guide to the forum.

First Last Residence
Sharon Anderson USA
Jon Budhram UK
Valerie Davies CA
Robert Kersting SA - Brazil
Thomas Kidman UK
Frank Makey UK
John O'Connor CA
Tim Smellie UK
Loaknauth Sobhai USA
Inge Veecock UK
John Wilmer USA

The Forum is hosted by ProBoards and therefore, the GBGGS webmaster is not able to answer questions regarding use of the Forum. Emails pertaining such questions to the GBGGS webmaster will not receive a reply.

As of now our membership now totals 2,241 which is quite a growth from the 2008 membership list you see here: (In Alphabetical order)