
Be sure to visit Tikwis Begbie's website which provides a wealth of info : British Guiana Colonists

Thanks to all the volunteer transcriptionists and finders of document sources who have so generously provided their time and skill for all of us family researchers. They include:

Bernard Abraham Sharon Anderson Dr. Roger Austin Lisa Booth Val Davies Eric Downer John Henderson
Thomas Kidman Romaine Locke Nicola McIntyre John Schultz Tim Smellie Debbie Sobers Inge Veecock

Vital Records


The Argosy

The ARGOSY newspaper of British Guiana - BMD Announcements

We are privileged that Mrs. Veecock has granted permission to post her work for the benefit of those persons searching for records of their ancestors from British Guiana between the years of 1880 and 1896. The BMD announcements, as reported in the ARGOSY newspaper of Georgetown, British Guiana were copied from microfilms, shelf-mark 551, at the British Newspaper Library at Colindale; compiled, indexed and typed by Inge R. Veecock, in London, England, completed in; April 1996. We thank Mrs. Veecock for her tireless work to compile this data from both the Argosy and Colonist which took over 6 years to complete and for her generosity of sharing it with fellow researchers. This work is massive and could not have been posted here without the work in transcribing all the data by Tim Smellie. Our many thanks and appreciation for Tim's work.

To search these files, follow these steps:

STEP ONE: Check the ARGOSY Main Surname Index for the surname(s) of interest. The year(s) in which that surname appears follow the surname listing. Example: "Barr 1882,86,94" means that a mention of the surname "Barr" was mentioned on the 1882, 1886, and 1894 papers. Make a note of the years you need to check.

MAIN SURNAME INDEX BMD Announcements in The ARGOSY newspaper, 1880-1896

A - B C D - E F - G H I - L M - N O - R S - T U - Z

STEP TWO: Click the appropriate link(s) to find the announcement(s). The surnames have been printed in bold type to make it easier to spot your surname of interest.

BMD ANNOUNCEMENTS by Year - SEARCH: Click on the links below

1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888
1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896

The Colonist

The COLONIST newspaper of British Guiana - BMD Announcements

We are priviledged that Mrs. Veecock has granted permission to post her work for the benefit of those persons searching for records of their ancestors from British Guiana between the years of 1864 and 1880. The BMD announcements, as reported in the ARGOSY newspaper of Georgetown, British Guiana were copied from microflims, shelfmark 551, at the British Newspaper LIbrary at Colindale; compiled, indexed and typed by Inge R. Veecock, in London, England, completed in; April 1996. We thank Mrs. Veecock for her tireless work to compile this data from both the Argosy and Colonist which took over 6 years to complete and for her generosity of sharing it with fellow researchers.

This work is massive and could not have been posted here without the work in transcribing all the data by Tim Smellie. Our many thanks and appreciation for Tim's work. These fiiles are presented as PDF files, requiring the use of the free Adobe Reader. For those without this free reader, it can be downloaded here.

To search these files, follow these steps:

STEP ONE: Check the Colonist Main Surname Index for the surname(s) of interest. The year(s) in which that surname appears follow the surname listing. Example: "Smith 1872,73,74" means that a mention of the surname "Smith" appears on the 1872, 1873, and 1874 papers. Make a note of the years you need to check.

MAIN SURNAME INDEX BMD Announcements in The COLONIST newspaper, 1864-1880
(Search by First letters of Surname)

A - BR BR - DA DA - GA GA - IT JA - MC MC- PH PH - TH TH - Z

STEP TWO: Click the appropriate link(s) to find the announcement(s). The surnames have been printed in bold type to make it easier to spot your surname of interest.


1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872
1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880

Transcriptions from the

Royal Gazette of British Guiana

By Sharon Anderson

Our great appreciation goes to John Schultz of Canada for providing scanned copies of the Demerary and Essequebo Royal Gazette newspaper covering a range of years from about 1807 to 1835 ! As the amount of data is massive, transcription will be an ongoing project and updates will be posted as completed. Real Estate transactions are prolific and are covered in every issue. Due to their size and scope, the Transports (real estate transactions) will be the last project to be tackled.

  • Marriage Banns - Transcribed from: The Demerara and Essequebo Royal Gazette Newspaper; various years, printed in Georgetown, Demerara. Note that the Banns were legally required to be printed or publically posted three times; the date on the printing of the Banns represents only one of those printings. If known, the bann will include the number of the posting (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). The listing has been alphabetized for both Bride and Groom surnames
A - L         M - Z A - L         M - Z
  • Births - Very few births announcements have been found in these early colonial newspapers and most of the few printed were from other countries and from other newspapers.

  • Obituaries - Through the early years (1815 to 1824) the paper would occasionally publish a monthly list of deaths and sometimes they would publish the deaths for two or three months. These listings are just that, a list of deaths occurring monthly; only a few (so far) have added the person's age at death. Later in the 1830s, there was no list, but rather a one-line (or, occasionally, two lines) notice of deaths.

SURNAMES begining
A - F         G - L         M - R        S - Z
  • Port of Demerary - The Royal Gazette fairly consistently published a listing of vessels arriving and departing Demerara. These will be transcribed and updated here as transcriptions are completed. These data listed varied from year to year, with some years even prooviding some names of individuals aboard the vessels.

  • Quitting the Colony - According to the historian, James Rodway, "Among the Proclamations of 1809 was one reviving the old law that prohibited anyone leaving the colony without due notification through the Secretary's office at least two weeks before. Masters of vessels taking any person on board without a pass or permit from the Governor incurred a fine for each of six thousand guilders. No slaves were to be taken away without the same notice except in the case of domestics leaving with their masters. The list of persons leaving was published in the Royal Gazette up to the time of emancipation, when that and so many other old usages fell to the ground. "The History of British Guiana, from the Year 1668 to the Present Time", James Rodway, pgs 189-190.
    The Royal Gazette, a government sheet newspaper, published a listing of persons who had obtained the required pass or permit to leave the colony; whether to never return or left on holiday or business trip. Therefore, there are persons listed as leaving the colony more than once a year and some left the colony several times over several years. Only the rare entry informs the person's destination or intentions. The massive listings reflect how frequently these "colonists" traveled. This file will be updated as transcription proceeds and will be alphabetized for ease of finding surnames.

SURNAMES begining
A - C         D - G         H - L        M - R         S - Z
  • Transports (Sales) of Plantations and Property - The newspapers listed all sales and mortgages of real property in the newspapers. Transcripton has just begun on these extensive listings, beginning with 1815 and 1816.. The lists will be divided into sales of Plantations and sales of real property, such as lots in Kingston District, etc. The listings of Plantation sales are alphabetically sorted by Planation name. The sales of other property, Land sales, are sorted by name of seller.
Plantation Sales               Land/Lot Sales

London Times

London Times by Tom Kidman
In 2007, Thomas Kidman transcribed from microfilm of older London Times, BMD announcements which contained a mention of British Guiana, Demerara, or Georgetown. Simply find from the lists below, the link or category view the PDF documents. . These transcriptions cover from the early 1800s to the mid 1900s.

Anniversary Announcements Click Here
Births —Surnames beginning with: A to H       I to Z
Deaths - Surnames beginning with: A to C      D to G       H to L      M to S       T to Z
Engagements Click Here
Marriages - Surnames beginning with: A to H       I to Z

BMD notices in UK Newspapers

Lisa Booth provided the transcriptions of British Army births, marriages and deaths as well as British Guiana born crew members. In 2014 (and just posted in Feb 2015), Lisa provided BMD (Birth, Marriage, Death) transcriptions from British newspapers - BG Affiliated Persons in British Newspapers. These notices are from newspapers in a large range of years primarily in the 1800's. Lisa has provided the following information about these transcriptions: British Guiana BMD Notices in British Newspapers

Note: in the case of multiple insertions, or multiple newspapers, only one notice is listed, based on completeness or print quality. Information in square brackets has been added from other notices, or other sources if the print is illegible. Entries have been transcribed as spelled. Names beginning with “Mc” have been indexed as “Mac”. In marriages and deaths, a widow's maiden name, if given, has been included in brackets after her married name. Scottish women often retained their maiden name but have been indexed under their married name for uniformity. Some newspaper titles have been abbreviated. * indicates a poor quality image. NOTE: Some marriages have no newspaper cited and incloude just a year. This is because these were from "Brides Lists" with just enough information included under the Bride's name to find the full notice.

If you would like to submit a birth, marriage, death or obituary record, please provide a source and dates to the Webmaster.

Birth Notices in British Newspapers Click Here
Marriages in British Newspapers Click Here
Death Notices in British Newspapers Click Here
Miscellaneous Notices in British Newspapers Click Here

Other BMD Transcriptions

Births from Guyana Newspapers

The newspaper clippings, source for many of the following transcriptions, are courtesy of John O'Connor - our many thanks and appreciation to John for his time and effort in obtaining these records.

FARIA – on Wednesday, September 24th, 1924 at 343 Middle and Cummings Streets – to Mr. And Mrs. J.L. FARIA – a Son. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Birth”) (View actual newspaper clipping)

GILLESPIE - At Pln. Montrose, on the 27th inst., the wife of James GILLESPIE, a daughter.. (Source: The Colonist, Monday, December 29, 1879, page 2, Col. 3)

GRIMSHAW – On Saturday, September 24th at 230 (or 250?) Thomas Street, to Mr. And Mrs. W. A. GRIMSHAW – a Daughter. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Births”) (View actual newspaper clipping)

GONSALVES – On Saturday, September 24th to the wife of Mr. J. da Cruz GONZALVES, of the Singer Sewing Machine Cmy – a Son. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Births”) (View actual newspaper clipping)

ROSS – On Saturday, 24th September, 1924, the wife of W. ROSS of Richmond, Essequebo – a Daughter. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Births”) (View actual newspaper clipping)

ROSS - On Thursday, January 16, at her residence, Nabaclis, E. C., to MURIEL (nee SANCHO), wife of Ex-Cpl. GEORGE ROSS, S.C.F., a Son - HUGH HAMILTON.[Source: The Sunday Chronicle - Sunday, January 19, 1947 : page 6.]

THOMPSON - At.Pl. Perseverance, on the 15th inst., the wife of W. C. THOMPSON, of a son. (Source: The Colonist, Tuesday, December 16, 1879, page 2, col 2.)

YEARWOOD - On Wednesday, 17th September, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. YEARWOOD of Pln. Albion, Berbice - the gift of a son.(The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Births”) (View actual newspaper clipping)

Marriage Records

Marriage records prior to 1880 would be recorded with Churches and those past that date would be recorded with the local government and national archives in present-day Guyana. The marriages listed below were transcribed from Guyanese newspapers and British Guiana newspapers in the colonial era. Some were transcribed by S. Anderson from older United States newspapers. The source of each transcription is noted.

Invalid Marriages Proclaimed Legal 1819


[January 22, 1819] Copied from the British Newspaper Library at Colindale, Shelfmark MC 558; The Royal Gazette, Vol. XIV, No. 1281, Thursday, January 23, 1819 By Inge Veecock

Demerary & Essequibo ___
By His Excellency Major General JOHN MURRAY, Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief, In and Over the United Colony of Demerary and Essequibo, &c. &c. &c.
    WHEREAS, I have received from the Right Honourable Earl BATHURST, a Communication of the Determination of His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent, respecting the illegality and consequent invalidity of certain Marriages, heretofore contracted in this Colony, contrary to the Laws in force herein, under the assurance of a Proclamation, issued by the late Major General H. L. CARMICHAEL, during the period that he, as Commander of the Troops, administered the Government of this United Colony:
    AND WHEREAS, His Royal Highness has been graciously pleased to take into consideration the serious inconvenience likely to result to many innocent persons, from the irregular manner in which their marriages have been celebrated; and hath signified to me his commands, that the marriages which have heretofore been so contracted and celebrated, should be duly confirmed in this most public and authentic manner:
    I DO, therefore, in obedience to the commands of His Royal Highness, issue this, my Proclamation, declaring, as I do hereby declare, is to be the most gracious will and pleasure of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King, that all marriages, which may have been contracted and celebrated within this Colony, in the manner prescribed in a Proclamation of the late Major General H.L. CARMICHAEL, bearing date the 2nd day of June, 1812 [Note, the text is on a fold and it is not clear if the year is 1812 or 1813] and they hereby are confirmed and established as legal and valid, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, and to have the same force, effect, and validity, as though they had been originally contracted and celebrated conformably to the laws or ordinances then existing, and in force within this Colony; any defect of legal form in the original contract and celebration thereof notwithstanding:
    And I DO hereby require all Courts of Law, Judges, Justices, Magistrates, and all other His Majesty’s Liege Subjects, to recognize and acknowledge the force and validity of the said Marriages, of which the following is a list as certified by the Reverend W. G. STRAGHAN, Minister: [NOTE: The original list was numbered; To make finding a couple easier, the list was sorted by Husband's Surname.]

Husband Wife
Backer Philip Agard Jane
Battalier Andrew Cornelissen Mary
* Bentham Joseph Smith Margaret
Blackman Henry Oxley Ann
* Blackman Peter Williams Louisa
* Bollers Henry Gibbs Sarah
Bulcock Samuel Post Marsiella Colette
Carrol Francis Lucas Frances
Clement Peter Emery Cora
Colin Abel Bennett Elizabeth
Cordew Samuel Wake Sarah
* Crozier William Augustus Shillingford Ann
Cugler Christian Frederick Bollers Mary
Daley James Staunton Kitty
De Ryk Johannis Cornelis Thompton Janette Elizabeth
Desbras Frisco Paadevoort Maria
Fox Lewis Berrow Elizabeth
Hall John Anthony Arthur Elizabeth
Heyliger Peter Cartenche Mary
* Lambley Thomas Corbin Charlotte
Lawrence Thomas Merrick Frances
Miller Anthony Haselmeir Johanna
Mings James Susannah Archer
Mollet Mauritz Johan Jacobus Stumper Ann
Neischer John Anthony Howard Princess
Ouckama Paul Augustus Dawner Mary Elizabeth
Oxley William James Christina
Perry George Firebrace Taylor Anne
Peterson Peter Carvelje
Phillips Philip France Christina
* Pieters Peter Chapelhof Langeobi Maria
Roach William M. Nurse Mary Jane
Runnels John McDaniel Elizabeth
* Samms William Kennard Desullie
Smith Michael Garbin Johanna Rebecca
Stephens James Thomas Cuvilje Ann Walker
Thompton Petr Henry Stoll Sophia Elizabeth
Tobie Christian Marcus Watherham Wilhelmina
Vialand John Hennecey Elizabeth
Wade John Wagear Maria Margarita
Whittacker John Cuvilje Anne
Williams Eran Hughes Knight Elizabeth
* Williamson John Hunter Harriet

*Back to the main window to see notes for these marriages.

And in further obedience to the commands of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, I do hereby repeal and annul the said Proclamation of the late Major-General H.L. CARMICHAEL, bearing date the 2nd day of June, 1819, and the same is hereby repealed and annulled; and I declare it to be the will and pleasure of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, that no marriages hereafter contracted within this Colony, can be legally valid, nor shall be recognized or acknowleged as such, unless contracted and celebrated in the manner prescribed by the Laws and Ordinances actually in force within this said United Colony.

Given under my Hand and Seal of Office, this 22nd day of January, One thousand eight hundred and nineteen, and in the Fifty-ninth Year of His Majesty’s Reign.

His Excellency’s Command R. CHAPMAN, Gov. Sec. God Save the King !


Note that Mr. Chapman's Proclamation did not state what caused the above marriages to be invalid, other than referring to the Proclamation of Gen. Carmichael dated 1812 [or possibly 1813]. Although one wouldn't expect to find the Carmichael Proclamation online, I did do a brief search but no mention of this Proclamation was to be found. It would be interesting to know how Carmichael had deviated from English and the Colony's marriage laws, causing this new Proclamation of 1819.
Maj. Gen. Hugh Lyle Carmichael (pictured at left) was the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony from February 1812 to his death in 1813 [He died in office] and is buried at Eve Leary Cemetery. Just how did the proclamation issued by Gen. Carmichael deviate from English law? Why did this proclamation affect only a handful of marriages? This is quite a mystery!
As far as can be found, English law and the colony of British Guiana at that time required a couple to either obtain a special marriage license authorized by the Governor or post marriage banns. According to the marriage laws printed in the British Guiana Directory and Almanack (1882, 1898, 1904), ...."Marriage by Banns have to be solemnized with open doors between the hours of eight in the forenoon and four in the afternoon, in presence of two or more credible witnesses besides the minister." There were no special hours noted for those choosing to marry by License.

The following marriages and/or persons were found listed on British Guiana Colonists website.

BENTHAM, Joseph (Married SMITH, Margaret)

  • Born: Barbados
  • Married: 16 6 1815, Banns of Marriage

BLACKMAN, Peter (Married WILLIAMS, Louisa)

  • Born: Barbados
  • Married: 30 11 1816, Banns of Matrimony

BOLLERS, Henry (Married GIBBS, Sarah)

  • Born: in this Colony
  • Married: 14 8 1815, Banns of Marriage

CROZIER, William Augustus (Married SHILLINGFORD, Sarah Ann)

  • Born: Grenada
  • Married: 20 5 1815, Banns of Marriage

LAMBLY, T. O. (Could this be Thomas Lambley ??)

  • Died: 13 5 1865, at his residence

PIETERS, Peter Capelhof

  • Born: in this Colony
  • Married: 9 9 1815, Banns of Marriage

SAMMS, William Kennard

  • Born: Grenada
  • Married: 26 9 1817, Banns of Marriage


  • Born: Scotland
  • Married: 25 3 1815, Banns of Marriage

British Guiana Marriage Law of 1838

The marriage list, listed in the lightbox, is a listing of known marriages, listing the surnames of the bride and groom.

[Source: Anniversaries - Announcements-Sunday Chronicle – April 20, 1947: page 2.]
BRADSHAW –TIMMERMAN - On Sunday April 6th, 1947 at Kingston Methodist church by the Rev. J. D. Dodd, Lloyd F., elder son of Mr. and . G. A. Bradshaw of Forshaw Street, Georgetown to Daphne Shelia, daughter of Mrs. Timmerman of Kitty. {Transcribed by Milwana Osanku]

(Source: The Colonist, Saturday, October 23, 1880, pg 2, Col. 5)
BRAUD-GARNETT - October 7, 1880 On the 7th instant, at Christ Church, Georgetown, by the Revd. T. J. Moulder, Incumbent of St. Augustin's Arthur Braud, Esq., of Pln. Mon Repos, to Emeline, eldest daughter of the late H.P. GARNETT, Esq.

(Source: the Daily Argosy, Saturday, April 19, 1884: page 4 column 1.)
ELLIOTT - SANDY - At Golden Grove, East Coast, Demerara, on the 17th instant, by the Revd. Jas. P. Taylor (by special license), Capt. Tappin Johnstone Elliott, to Annie Sophia, eldest daughter of B. Sandy and granddaughter of Bentick Sancho, late of Golden Grove.{courtesy of Sharon Anderson - our many thanks and appreciation to Sharon for her time and work in obtaining these records}

January 20, 1921, New York Times
FRENANDEZ - GASTON --- On Thursday, Jan. 20, at Ansonia, Conn., Lavinia Wilson, youngest daughter of Samuel and Agnes Gaston of Seymour, Conn., to J.E.C. Fernandez, twelfth son of the late M. Fernandez of Georgetown, Demerara, South America {transcribed by S. Anderson}

(Source: The Colonist, Saturday, October 23, 1880, pg 2, Col. 5)
HAMILTON-VAN EEDEN - September 21, 1880 Sept. 21, at St. Mary's, Islington, by the Revd. Arthur HAYNE, Rector of St. Mary Arches, Exeter, uncle of the bridegroom, Charles Boughton HAMILTON, eldest son of the late Revd. William HAMILTON, Rector of St. Peter's Leguan, British Guiana, to Elizabeth Hermina, eldest daughter of P. VAN EEDEN, Esq., of Demerara, British Guiana. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

4 Sept. 1852, Hartford Daily Current, Hartford, Conn.
HUMPHREYS - BENJAMIN ----At Demerara, Sept. 4th, William Humphreys, Esq. To Delia Isabella, second daughter of Charles Benjamin, Esq., U. States Consul at Demerara. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

(Source: The Colonist, Friday, July 25, 1873, pg 2, Col. 2)
LOWE-YOUNGE - On the 18th June, (1873) at Christ Church, Plymouth, from the residence of Mrs. Shortland, aunt of the bride, by the Revd. N.W. Edwards, cousin of the bride, George S. S., second son of Stanley LOWE, Esq., of Whitehall, South Devon, to Harriet Charlotte, second daughter of the late Edward YOUNGE, Barrister-at-law, Clerk of the Enrolments. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

April 16, 1861, New York Times
MATHESON - JACKSON ——in this City on Tuesday, April 16, at St. George’s Church by Rev. Dr. Tyng, COLIN MATHESON, of Berbice, British Guiana, to FANNIE C. JACKSON, daughter of Edward Jackson, Esq. Of this City. [Baltimore papers please copy] {transcribed by S. Anderson}

Nov. 8, 1894, New York Times
MURRAY - WORTHINGTON --- At Pelham Manor, N.Y., on Thursday, Nov. 8 by the Rev. W.A. Benjamin, D.D.; Bessie Duncan, daughter of the late Harry Fraser Worthington of Irvington-on-Hudson and James O’Hara Murray of Demerara, W. I. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

August 8, 1865 – New York Times
ROWE - BROTHERSON --- In Brooklyn on Tuesday, August 8 at the Church of the Holy Trinity by Rev. Dr. Diller, Mrs. Edwin ROWE of Fair Haven, Conn., and Miss Jessie D. BROTHERSON, of Brooklyn. No cards. [New Haven, Conn and Demerara, B.G. papers, please copy. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

July 21, 1853, New York Times
STODDARD - VAN PELT ----At Port Richmond, S.I., July 21, by Rev. James Brownlee, Henry S. Stoddard, Esq. Of Demerara to Elvira, daughter of the late Capt. Jacob Van Pelt, of Port Richmond. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

[Source: WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1919-1942 - Announcements-Sunday Chronicle - May 31, 1942 : page 4.]
WILLIS –ELLIOTT - At the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Victoria, East Coast, Demerara, by the late Fr. J. J, Parcel, on May 31st, 1919, Joseph to Sophia Anetta. {Transcribed by Milwana Osanku]

[Source: WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1919-1949 - Announcements-Sunday Chronicle - June 5, 1949 : page 6.]
WILLIS –ELLIOTT - On May 3rd., 1919 by the late Fr. J. J, Parcel, at Victoria R C Church, Victoria, East Coast, Demerara, Joseph S. to Annie S. Mizpah. {Transcribed by Milwana Osanku]

(Source: Legal Notices - DIVORCES, The Official Gazette of British Guiana - June 27, 1963: page 456.)
VIGILANCE - Clement Arthur Vigilance (H. A. Bruton) - Nora Vigilance (David de Caires) {Transcribed by Milwana Osanku]

(Source: The Colonist, Friday, December 5, 1879)
YOUNGE-MAY - November 27, 1879 On the 27th Nov., at St. Sithin's Church, by the Right Revd. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, ass. by the Ven. F. J. WYATT, B.D., Archdeacon of Demerara, George Shortland YOUNGE, youngest son of late Edward YOUNGE, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law, and Clerk of the Enrolments, to Gertrude Louisa, eldest daughter of the Revd. Henry John MAY, Rector of St. Swithin's Demerara, and Registrar of the Diocese. {transcribed by S. Anderson}

Deaths in Newspaper Clippings

The newspaper clippings, source for many of the following transcriptions, are courtesy of John O'Connor - our many thanks and appreciation to John for his time and work in obtaining these records.

AARON, Susan – On the 18th September 1924, at her late residence, 195 Charlotte Street, Lacytown (Susan), beloved mother of J. C. AUSTIN. Aged 80 years. No Cards. Funeral from above address at 4 p.m. today. Friends please accept this the only intimation (American and Colon papers please copy) (The Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, British Guiana – Friday, September 19, 1924, “Died”, column 1, page unknown.) View actual news clipping

ARCHER, Catherine – on Friday September 12, 1947 at her daughter's residence 47 Pere Street, Kitty, CATHERINE ELIZABETH, wife of the Late T. A. Archer, retired Schoolmaster, and Agricultural Instructor, J.P., in her 77th. Year, beloved mother of Eldad, Chemist and Druggist, Caroline, Charge Nurse, PHG, Adina, retired Health Visitor, Mesdames May Cole, retired School teacher; Ivy Loncke; Phyllis Kendall; foster mother of Margaret Hedecker and Mortimer Archer, grandmother of Gwendoline, Joyce, Arthur, Donald, Eileen, Tiny, Ivy, Yvonne, Walter, Joycelynne, Victor, Pat; great grand mother of 10; and godmother of Gladys Wiltshire. Funeral will remove from the above address and board the ferry at noon today. Interment will be made at Vergenoegen, West Coast Demerara. Friends and relatives are asked to accept this the only intimation and attend. (Source: Announcement death daily chronicle, Saturday, September 13, 1947 : Page 4.) ARCHER - C. E. Archer and family beg to thank all those who sent wreaths, Telegrams, letters, Cards of sympathy, and in other ways expressed their sympathy in their bereavement. [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, February 15, 1948: page 6.]

ARCHER, S. A. – In loving memory of S. A. ARCHER, J.P., who departed this life on October 10, 1943. (Inserted by his loving children) [Source: ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Sunday Chronicle, Georgetown , British Guiana – October 10, 1948 : page 6.]

ARCHER, Catherine - In loving memory of our beloved CATHERINE ARCHER, who departed this life on September 12, 1947. Gone but not forgotten. (Inserted by her children) [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, September 12, 1948 : page 6.]

BENTHAM, Reynold F. - On Tuesday, 14th August, 1924, at 10 p.m. (suddenly) at his late residence, Lot 18, George Street, REYNOLD F., beloved husband of Louisa, father of Clarice Isabel, son of Mrs. Isabel BENTHAM and brother of Adolphus BENTHAM, Boston, U.S.A. Funeral at 4 p.m. today from above address. Friends please accept this the only intimation. R.I.P. (The Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, British Guiana – Wednesday, September 17, 1924, column 1, “Died”, page unknown.) View actual news clipping

BENTHAM - DEATH OF MR. R.F. BENTHAM, Popular Tailor Expires Suddenly – Funeral this afternoon ----We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. REYNOLD F. BENTHAM, which sad event took place suddenly at this late residence, Lot 18, George Street, about 10 o'clock last evening. Mr. BENTHAM who with some friends was on board the R.M.S.P. Chignecto suddenly complained of feeling ill and left in a cab for home. His condition grew worse and immediately on reaching home the services of Dr. T. T. NICHOLS and S.P. JAMES were requisitioned but to no avail, death occurring shortly after. Deceased, who was fifty years of age, started life as a printer at Baldwin's Printery and on leaving there joined the staff of this paper. Abandoning printing, he became a clerk at Messrs. Smith Bros. And Co., Ltd., afterwards turning his attention to tailoring and within the past few years, conducted with considerable success a fairly large establishment in American Street. Deceased leaves a wife and daughter to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. The funeral will be removed from his late residence this afternoon. ( The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown) View actual news clipping

BENTHAM, R. F. - Mrs. Louis BENTHAM, Mrs. Isabella BENTHAM and Miss Clarice BENTHAM, Wife, Mother, and Daughter, beg to thank all those who attended the funeral of the late Mr. R. F. BENTHAM, Husband, Son and Father, also those who send wreaths and letters of condolence and telegrams. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Card of Thanks”)

BRANCO – on Monday, September 8th at 58 Fifth Street, Albertown, HECTOR, infant son of Mr. And Mrs. M. P. BRANCO. (Deeply regretted) (Date, Year, and newspaper unknown)

CARRUTHERS - James Rose Carruthers, long-time reporting staff member for the Colonist newspaper, died at Port Said on January 15, 1892. (The Argosy, Saturday, April 2, 1892, Page 4, Col 1)

COLLIER, Elvira – On Friday, 26th September, 1924 at her residence, 66 Garnett Street, Newtown, Kitty, ELVIRA, the beloved wife of Benj Collier of the Demerara Biscuit Factory and mother of George C. Nurse and Mrs. C. G. Northey. Aged 65 years. Funeral from the above address at 8:30 a.m. to-day. Friends please accept this the only intimation.(Barbados and New York papers please copy) (The Daily Chronicle, Saturday September 27, 1924, date, page and Column 1, “Died”)

COUCHMAN - Joseph Couchman, aged 23 years, son of the late Charles Couchman, died at "Sacca", Upper Demerary River on 27 February 1892; as reported by the Argosy Newspaper, Georgetown, British Guiana on March 5, 1892

COUCHMAN - Samuel D.D. Couchman, aged 36 years, died on February 3, 1891 at Wibbisirie Kanelly, Upper Demerara River; as reported by the Argosy Newspaper, Georgetown, British Guiana (Saturday, February 21, 1891, Page 4, Col 1)

D’ABREU – On Wednesday, 17th September, 1924 at her daughter’s residence, 251 Murray Street, JOHUNA MENDES, the beloved mother of Adelaide Seabra and Jose Mendes D’ABREU, of Cayenne. Aged 86 years. Funeral will take place from the above address at 4:30 p.m. to day. Friend are kindly asked to attend. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Died”) View actual news clipping

DE ABREU, Christina – On Saturday, 24th September 1924 at 129 Fourth Street, Alberttown, CHRISTINA, the beloved sister of Mrs. E. E. Comes (Gomes ?) Jose and Cecelia De ABREU. Funeral will take place from the above address at 4 p.m. today. Friends please accept this the only intimation. (Madeira papers please copy) ( The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Died”) View actual news clipping

ELLIOTT, Annie Sophia - On Monday, September 13th, 1948 at her residence, Nabaclis Village, East Coast, Demerara, Mrs. ANNIE SOPHIA, relict of T. J. Elliott, retired schoolmaster, Mother of Edward, Henry, Sydney and Wilfred Elliott, and Mesdames H. Bradshaw, S. Willis, and M. Patterson, and sister of Miss Sarah Sandy, retired School teacher. The funeral will remove from the house of mourning - Nabaclis Village – to Victoria Roman Catholic church for the funeral service, and back to Nabaclis cemetery for interment at 4.00 p.m. , today. Relatives and friends are asked to accept this intimation. (Source: The Daily Argosy, Georgetown , British Guiana , Tuesday, September 14th. 1948 : page 5. ) ELLIOTT Messrs. E. S., H. J., S. B., and W. R. Elliott (sons); Mesdames A. M. Bradshaw, Sophia Willis, M. A. Patterson (daughters), Sarah Sandy sister and grandchildren of the late ANNIE SOPHIA, beg to thank the many friends and relatives who attended the funeral and sent wreaths, cards, letters, telegrams and in any other way sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. [Source: Announcements, September 26, 1948 : page 6.]

ELLIOT, Victoria - Mrs. Annie I. Elliott, and children, sincerely begs to thank the many kind friends who assisted and attended the funeral of their beloved daughter and sister, VICTORIA (VICKY), also those who sent wreaths, letters, telegrams, and cards, etc. or in any way sympathized with them. [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, March 11, 1945 : page 6.]

HOOSEIN, Mohamed – At Bagotville, West Bnak , Demerara. MOHAMED, Mohamedan Priest. Aged 107 years. Funeral from the above address at 3 p.m. today. Friends please accept this the only intimation. (The Daily Chronicle, Tuesday, September 16, 1924, page and Column unknown, “Died”)

HOPKINS - Infant William Alfred Hopkins, son of Charles and Jane Ross Hopkins died at Plantation Hazard on 23 February 1892. (The Argosy, March 5, 1892, Page 4, Col 1)

IRWIN - (From the Syracruse Herald Journal, Syracuse, New York, USA - June 10, 1940: JOHN SAMUEL IRWIN DIES IN CANADA AT 62 Toronto, Ont., June 10 (UP) ---- A widely known Canadian publisher, John Samuel IRWIN, 62, died at his home yesterday. Born in British Guiana, Irwin came to Canada from England 32 years ago and joined the staff of the MacMillan Company. He later became educational director of the Oxford University Press. In 1927, he founded a publishing business with Huntly Borden, under the name of Irwin and Borden. Irwin had traveled extensively. He is survived by his widow, [all further text is illegible]

JOSEPH, Samuel - On Wednesday, September 10th, at the Public Hospital Georgetown, SAMUEL. A late carpenter – Contractor of Zorg, Essequebo and beloved brother of Theresa, Joseph and father of James Milton and Flora. He is gone, but not forgotten. (The Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, British Guiana – Wednesday, September 17, 1924, column 1, “Died”, page unknown.) View actual news clipping

LONCKE, Agatha - On Monday 6th., October 1969 at the Methodist Arts Centre, IVY AGATHA, late Mistress of Queen's College and the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. Loncke. Sister of Yvonne, Joycelyn, John, Victor, and Patricia Loncke. Niece of Mrs. W. Kendall of Nabaclis and Mrs. Cummings of West Coast Berbice. Cousin of Mesdames Lena Nilleman, and Joyce Warren, Carlton Loncke and others. The funeral will take place from the Brickdam Cathedral at 4.30 PM to-day. Relatives and friends are asked to accept this intimation.[Source: - Thursday, October 9, 1969 : page 9.]

LONCKE, (unnamed son) - Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Loncke beg to thank all those who attended the funeral of their dear little son, also those who sent wreaths, cards, letters, or in any way sympathize with them in their recent bereavement. Source: Cards Daily Argosy, Sunday, September 4, 1938 : page 4.

MANSELL, Jeane – On Thursday, 18th September, 1924, at the Colonial Hospital, JEANE ELANIE, the beloved daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E.H. MANSELL, aged 5 years. Funeral will take place from her father’s residence, 173 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, at 9 o’clock this morning. (The Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, British Guiana – Friday, September 19, 1924, “Died”, column 1, page unknown.) View actual news clipping

MARTINS, Alexandrina – On Friday, 19th September, 1924, ALEXANDRINA, the beloved wife of Joseph F. Martina, Planter and Coffee grower in Pomaroon District. Aged 38 years. Funeral will take place from 95 King Street, today. Friends are kindly asked to attend. (The Daily Chronicle , Georgetown, British Guiana – Saturday, September 20, 1924, “Died”,. Column 1, page unknown.) View actual news clipping

MASSIAH, Isabella Julia - On the night of the 10th inst., at her residence in Wellington St., Georgetown, Isabella Julia, edlest daughter of the late E. W. Massiah, aged 33 years. (Source: The Colonist, Thursday, December 11, 1879, page 2, Col. 4)

McCOMEY or McCONEY (?), Hiloa – On Friday, 19th Instant at 6:43 p.m. at her residence, Lot 37 Burnham Street,HILOA, eldest daughter of Mr. A. P. McCosey (?image illegible) and sister of Dr. H. A. P. and Miss Amy McCesey (?image illegible). Funeral from the above address at 4 p.m. today. Friends please accept his the only intimation. (English, Coloon and American papers please copy) (The Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, British Guiana – Saturday, September 20, 1924, “Died”,. Column 1, page unknown.) View actual news clipping

NESTOR, Benjamin- In Sad and Affectionate Memory of BENJAMIN NESTOR (Buddie Ben), the beloved husband of Martha NESTOR of Triumph Village, E.C. who departed this life on the 22 nd September, 1923. Inserted by C. A. NESTOR, Lusignam, East Coast. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “In Memoriam”) View actual news clipping

OSWALD, Francis – on Friday, September 12 th at the Colonial Hospital, Georgetown, FRANCIS Mc INTOSH, late manager of Pln. Hopoe, East Coast Emerara. Aged 58 years. (Deeply regretted) (Date, Year, and newspaper unknown)

PATTERSON, Annie - In ever loving memory of my dear ANNIE KATHLEEN, (LENIE) who departed this life on May 5, 1935 . [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Wednesday, May 5, 1943 : page 4.]

PEACOCK, Ruth - At. her residence on the Brick Dam, on 9th inst., Ruth HEART, the beloved wife of J. LEACOCK, late Commissary of Taxation, aged 65 years. - Barbados papers please copy.. (Source: The Colonist, Tuesday, December 9, 1879, page 2, col 4.)

RALPH, Emma - DEATH OF MRS. RALPH After a painful illness Mrs. EMMA RALPH died at 2. A.m. on Monday morning at the age of 38 years. She was the beloved wife of Joseph Ralph and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LAMMY SANCHO of Nabaclis. Death took place in the city. The deceased's body was taken up by motor car later in the day to her residence in Golden Grove. The funeral on Monday afternoon was very largely attended, the last rites being performed by the Rev. L. J. Rowe. The interment took place at St. Mark's cemetery. [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, March 9, 1919 : page 10]

ROSE, Robert – On Wednesday, 19th September 1924, at 25 Cross Street, ROBERT (Gap) the beloved husband of Albertha ROSE. Age 53 years. (Deeply Regretted.) Barbados and New York papers please copy. (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “In Memoriam”) View actual news clipping

SANCHO, Lammie - On Saturday, 13th September, 1924, at Nabaclis, E. C., Demerara, LAMMIE, the beloved husband of ANNIE SANCHO and father of Winnie, Tommy, Ruby, Wagner, and Irene. Funeral at 4 o'clock to-day. Friends please accept this the only intimation. (Trinidad & New York papers please copy) [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, September 14, 1924 : page 4.]

SANCHO, Joseph Thomas - On Monday, January 11th, 1943, Joseph Thomas, late Chemist and Druggist, Sick Nurse and Dispenser, husband of Mavis Sancho, and father of Anson, at his residence, at Nabaclis Village, East Coast, Demerara, in his 47th. Year. Funeral this morning at 8 o'clock to-day.[Source: The Daily Chronicle - Tuesday, January 12th. 1943: page 4.] SANCHO - Mrs. Mavis Sancho and Anson McLean Sancho, joined by other relatives express their gratitude to the many kind friends who attended the funeral of their beloved husband, and father, JOESPH THOMAS SANCHO; also those who sympathized with them in other ways. [Source: Cards – Announcements - Sunday Chronicle - Sunday, January 17, 1943 : page 4.]

SANCHO, Emmy Angelina – In sad and loving memory of our beloved mother, EMMY ANGELINA, who departed this life on August 28th. 1942. One year has passed since that sad day, When the one we loved was called away, Sleep on. Dear mother, sleep and take thy rest, We love thee well but Jesus love thee best, (Inserted by her sons Augustus and Alfred.) [Source: "ANNOUNCEMENTS - In Memoriam" The Sunday Chronicle August 29th. 1943: page 6]

SANCHO, Clarice - The relatives of the late CLARICE ANGELINA beg through this medium to thank all those friends who attended her funeral, sent wreaths, letters, or in any other way consoled with them in their bereavement. [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, March 7, 1943 : page 4.]

SANCHO-GROVESNOR, Magnell - Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Arran Abrams, brothers-in-law, and sisters, also the children and other relatives of the late Nurse MAGNELL SANCHO-GROVESNOR, beg through this medium to return thanks to the many kind friends who attended the funeral also those who sent wreaths, telegrams, letters, and in any other way sympathized with them in their recent bereavement. (Inserted by Mrs. Vincent Moore) [Source: The Daily Chronicle - Sunday, March 7, 1943 : page 4.]

SERRAO, Julia G. - IN MEMORIAM In the memory of Julia G. SERRAO, who died on September 16 th , 1922 . (The Daily Chronicle, Tuesday, September 16, 1924, page and Column unknown, “Died”)

SPARMAN, Goodluck T. – On Tuesday, September 23 rd , at Vauxhall, Canal No. 1, West Bank, GOODLUCK T., the beloved husband of Mrs. G. SPARMAN and father of Hubert, Goodluck, Edward, Egbert, Dorothy (Mrs. Phillips) and N.A. SPARMAN, Head Teacher, Ogle C.M. School. Funeral at 4 p.m. sharp on the Bank. Friends please accept this the only intimation. (Thy will be done) (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Died”) View actual news clipping

STANLEY, Herbert - At 3 Friends, Essequebo, on the 6th inst., Herbert Stanley, aged 33, son of A. A. Barrows. (Source: The Colonist, Saturday, December 6, 1879, page 2, col. 5.)

TAYLOR , Cather Susanah – on Sunday evening, September, 14 th at 9.20, CATHER SUSANAH, relict of Chas. Taylor and beloved mother of C. Eli Taylor, Jeweller. Aged 73 years.( Colon and America papers please copy)

WAITH - Joseph Waith, age 66, died on 21 March 1892 at Meadowbank, E. B., Barbados. (The Argosy, Saturday, March 26, 1892, Page 4, Col 1)

WATKINS, Agusta – On Thursday, September 18th, at the Colonial Hospital, Geoergetown, AGUSTA (Nana), the beloved wife of Joseph WATKINS of Or______ Street, Georgetown. Aged 46 years. (Barbados papers please copy) (The Daily Chronicle, year 1924, date, page and Column unknown, “Died”)

WILLIAMS - James Williams, the long-time manager of Plantation Success, Leguan, died on Tuesday, March 1, 1892, age 47. (The Argosy, Saturday, March 5, 1892, Page 4, Col 1)

Known Cemeteries

Although there are certainly other cemeteries in the Georgetown besides those we could find from a book published in 1914, online yellow pages for Georgetown or Guyana do not list cemeteries. To find out about the cemeteries where many ancestors were buried back to the 17th century, we must search for other means of finding the burial grounds. Some of the cemeteries known to still be in exististence are:

The work done by Vere Langford Oliver in his book, Monumental Inscriptions in Demerara, (London, M. Huges & Clark, 1914, viii, 223 p., 26 cm) describes the cemeteries prior to 1914. The following is a summary of what Oliver discovered.

Babo John cemetery at Port Mourant, Berbice

Bourda Cemetery - Bourda Burial Ground at Vlissingen

Oliver was about to leave, going through this cemetery hurriedly but notes that the earliest date he saw was 1822 and that there were 'many hundreds of stones here as this was the chief town cemetery.' In 1798, the former colony governor, Joseph Bourda, died in Paris and the cemetery was unattended. It wasn't until 1876 that the Government of British Guiana entered into an agreement with the Bourda heirs to take over Plantation Vlissingen, which comprised of New Town, Queenstown, Robbstown and Bourda. Ordinance No. 8 of 1876 vested Plantation Vlissingen, in three Commissionaires, the authority to sell, distribute and grant titles of land to purchasers and heirs of Bourda's estate. Section 72 of the 1876 Ordinance provided for the immediate enclosure of the Bourda Cemetery and necessary adjacent lands. This act entrusted the Mayor and Town Council to maintain the cemetery. A sturdy iron rail fence and gate was erected to secure the area.
In the cemetery are the remains and tombs of many people who are associated with the past history of this colony. People like; Adrien Tinne, John Patoir, Lawrence Cruikshank, William Booker, Thomas McCalmont, John Reid…the Vyfhuises, the Bagots, the Turners – to name only a few. Many of these tombs date back to the early 19 th century and many of the people buried in the Cemetery played an important part in the economic life of the colony

Buxton Cemetery

Christianburg Cemetery

Plantation Cemetery Coomacha

Oliver only notes "150 miles inland" as descripotion and some burials as early as 1696, the death of a child, Jesabethr Rassche.

Eve Leary British Military Cemetery or Kingson

This burial ground is located behind the seawall and the old barracks. Oliver found it clean and tidy but had made a hurried visit and took some names. Most of the burials were servicemen attached to the "West India Regiment".

Fort Island (Essequibo River)

Oliver found some inscriptions on the floor slabs but had no time to copy them. He says of the visit, "This is situated about fifteen miles from the mouth. It was formerly the seat of government and the brick fort here on the river bank mounted forty cannon but was decaying in 1799 (Bolingbroke, p. 133) The so-called Church is a plain oblong structure massively built and was once the Court of Policy Hall.

Ft Nassau

Oliver cites a few stones as early as 1755 and some higher up the eriver, about a mile above the mouth of the Teerani Creek about 1787.
Georgetown (Rabbit Walk) Cemetery 4 (Maple Leaf Magic)

Golden Grove Cemetery (Is this the same as St. Mark's ??)

Good Hope Cemetery

La Repentir

Martin's Burial Ground - Mahica Region

Massaruni Penal Establishment Burial Ground

This burial ground is located behind the seawall and the old barracks. Oliver found it clean and tidy but had made a hurried visit and took some names. Most of the burials were servicemen attached to the "West India Regiment".

Plantation Providence Demerara

Oliver noted one burial marker in the buildings yard, that of Mr. Pieter Hendrik Koppiers who died 1795.

Plantation Warren cemetery, Corentyne Berbice

Roman Catholic Cathedral

When Oliver visited this cathedral he found that it had been completely destroyed by fire and was bare. [NOTE: His visit would've occurred prior to 1914, but exact date of visit is not given.]

Sarah Hill Cemetery, Bartica (next to Bartica Baptist Church ?)

St Andrews (Presbyterian) Scottish

This church first opened in 1819. There were only about 14 burials or memorials noted at this location.

St George's Cathedral Georgetown (Anglican)

Of the records found at the Cathedral, Oliver writes: "The oldest Register is a brown leather volume marked "B" on the cover and styled, "Register of Marriages and Baptisms for the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, 1796.' It contains no marriages. The first baptism is on 6 June, 1796. Each entry is signed by Francis McMahon. Each page is numbered as far as 196, June 1804. There are thrity-one more folios, some loose, and the last entry is on on 4th April, 1807. Some few pages are frayed but otherwise the register is complete and in good condition.
Another brown leather volume, smaller than the above, is marked "A" and contains baptisms from 6th June, 1796 and is also signed F.M. to 17th April 1807. THe Dean and I checked several entries with those in, "B", and as they coincided, we came to the conclusion that the two volumes contained the same entries throughout. From a letter of about the year 1830, it appears that the Rev. F. McMahon took the above two volumes with him to Grenada and after his death they were purchased from his Executors for 70 dollars. From the tablet in St. George's, Grenada, it appears that he died 22nd November, 1827 having been Rector 21 years. It is a pity the Marriages and Burials are missing.
The third volume has no cover. The first baptism is on 27th October, 1807 signed, 'W.G. Straghan, A.B., Minister.' The first marriage is dated 26th April, 1807 and burials begin the same year."
Many memorials are installed by the doors and transepts, on busts and on brass templates. Among them, Hubert Carlton Whitlock (North transept); Maj. Gen. Stephen Arthur Goodman (above west door); Fanny Wray; Walter Robert D'Urban; Alexander Milne; Charles Augustus Dean; Peter Rose; Hugh Lyle Carmichael (over east door); Sir James Carmichael Smith (marble bust); John Noble Harvey (north transept); Charles Montague and Elizabeth Jones (east wall North Transept); Thomas Dougan (South transept); Joseph Beete (east door, south transept); James Lugar (gothic tablet); John Walker Thommpson (above window); William Wynn Kenrick; William Peake; George Robertson; H. B. Magee; Sir James Robert Longden; Jasias Booker; George Booker; Goring Evans and Edward Henry Goring Dalton; Edward Thomas Evans Dalton; Frederick Elliot Dampier; Sara Ethel Proctor; William Henry Woodroffe; George Anderson; Richard Michael Jones Bovell, wife Lucretia and son; Francis Wollaston Hutton; William and Mary Ann Roberts.

St Saviors (Chinese)

Oliver describes this church as having no momuments or inscriptions and is a Chinese Church.

St. Mark's cemetery (Golden Grove, East Coast)

Stanleytown Cemetery, New Amsterdam, Berbice --- You Tube Video on condition of this cemetery (March 2008)

Tempie, Berbice

Condition of Cemeteries in 2006
Although in the US, researchers can often find tombstones of ancestors because the grounds are kept up regularly and some restoration work is done occasionally. This is not the case in Guyana. Few burial grounds, other than the small Eve Leary site, receive ground maintenance of any kind. Additionally, in Guyana, after a person is buried, within a few years their tombstone may be taken down and replaced with one for someone recently deceased or a new one built atop the previous one. Therefore, finding a tombstone of an ancestor there would be highly unlikely even for more recent years and definately one would never be found for burials in the 1800s if the person was not of the very upper class of society..
Some of the cemeteries are fairly well kept and in others cattle rummage through the over growth and debris among the tombs. Most of the tombs have been exposed to frequent periods of searing heat and flooding for many years resulting in unreadable inscriptions and most stones and tombs broken beyond repair. John reports that he has not found any stone inscriptions that can be read older than 1950. Therefore, finding the burial locations of ancestors back to the colonial days may not be possible. Burial grounds have not fared well given the environment and lack of maintenance and therefore, it is no wonder that stones and tombs survive less than 50 years. Another factor for cemeteries is the lack of space which has necessitated a system of building a tomb atop previous ones. It is our understanding that at a maximum of 10 years following a burial, that plot becomes available for another tomb to added on top of the previous tomb, or if in bad condition, replaced entirely.
Although there are reportedly "caretakers" on government payroll, the cemeteries are so overgrown with weeds and bushes that no tombs can even and where there are recent burials, the so many large holes exist that in some cases, no one can get close to the burial sites. In many places, persons attending a funeral must walk over boards placed over vast holes. Tombs are regularly vandalized and few indenitifications remain on tombs. For Guyana burials, it would take a miracle to find a tomb from the pre-independence days as most are long gone; destroyed or victims of flooding, heat and heavy bush growth. Photos of several cemeteries in Georgetown taken recently by John O'Connor show conditions of some cemeteries. View them here.

Because Georgetown is below sea level, some cemeteries are required to have above-ground tombs. A photo of a local Georgetown cemetery (unidentified) can be found here. (this site was valid as of 1 December 2007)


The obituaries on this page are a result of searching old United States newspapers. Although obituaries or funeral notices were printed in colonial newspapers and some were microfilmed, most have yet to be transcribed.

ABRAHAMS – Dr. Isaac ABRAHAMS, April 9, age 38; dearly bellowed son of Mary and Robert Abrahams of British Guiana, South America. Funeral from 3524 Michigan Ave., Tuesday, April 17 at 2p.m. Entombment at Graceland cemetery whence the body will be shipped ot the native land in South America. April 10, 1923, New York Times

ADAMS, John T. ; 1882 ---- 76 years old, died at Norwich, Conn. At a late hour Thursday night. He was a native of Demerara, but had lied in Norwich for the greater part of his life. He was Judge of Probate in 1839 and represented Norwich in the Legislature uring the war, severing one year as President of the Senate. Of late, he had led a retired life. When a young man, he edited the Norwich epublican, and in later years wrote several novels which had a good circulation.

ANDERSEN – John ANDERSEN, Jan. 15, 1915, age 18 years 5 months, son of Mrs. Belle Andersen and brother of James, Max and Mrs. A. Headicker of British Guiana, South America; nephew of John M. Bute of 4432 Wilcox Ave., Burial Mt. Carmel, Funeral private. No flowers. January 16, 1915 - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA

ARTHUR --28 Dec 1898, New York Times ----Charles W. ARTHUR, seventy-nine years old, died on Monday at the home of his son, 144 East Ninety-seventh Street. Mr. ARTHUR was born in British Guiana and came to this city when only two years old. He was well known in the dry goods, tea, coffee, and spice trades. He had been ill for five years and died of paralysis. The funeral will be held to-day.

BENTHAM - FUNERAL OF MR. R. F. BENTHAM – no date nor year of an extremely lengthy article where Mr. Bentham was buried at the LaRepentir Cemetery. Read entire article

BENTHAM - FUNERAL OF MR. R. F. BENTHAM – LARGE AND IMPOSING CORTEGE –GREAT MANIFESTATION OF PUBLIC ESTEEM In the presence of a large assembly of mourners, friends, and fraternal sympathizers the last remains of the late Mr. R. F. Bentham, the popular tailor of America Street who passed away suddenly at his residence, lot 18 George Street, City, on Tuesday evening last, were laid to rest in the Anglican Ground at the LeRepentir Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The deceased, who would have celebrated his fifty-first birthday on Thursday, next, was one of the stalwarts of the local branch of the Forrestric and Star of Bethlehem Fraternities, his connexion with the former extending over a period of thirty two years and with the latter since its establishment in the Colony a little over eight years ago. For the past 22 years he had been Secretary of Court Georgetown Diamond Ancient Order of Forresters and District Secretary of the Guianas in connexion with the same Order, and was Legate of the local branch of the Star of Bethlehem Fraternity and Organising Legate for the Guianas in respect of the same. He was also a Past Officer and Member of the Executive Committee of the Doric Lodge of the Independent United Order of Scottish Mechanics. By his demise these several institutions have suffered an irreparable loss. As the result of his genial and affable disposition he won a large coterie of friends and was greatly responsible for the success which has been achieved by the Forrestric and Star of Bethlehem Fraternities the advancement of which he had made a life task. In consequence of an expressed request by the deceased no ritualistic honours were accorded him publicly and the large procession which accompanied his remains to its last resting place – many there were who would not be deterred by the distance and their inability to procure a vehicle and trekked – it – bore ample testimony to his popularity and to the high esteem in which he was held both by his fraternal ties and general public. There were several Forrestric Brethren who attended from the Ancient County . Precisely at 4.30 o'clock the cortege wended its way from the deceased's late residence to the St. George's Cathedral where a short but impressive service was held by the Assistant Curate Rev. J. Firth, L.Th. The service was fully choral. Long before the cortege had arrived a large and motley crowd had assembled both outside and within thee Church to join in paying their last tribute to the deceased and vied with each other, reverently, however to catch the last glimpse of the deceased's face as the coffin was borne down the aisle to the saddening strains of the Dead March in Saul. The coffin was covered with purple plush and trimmed with silver ornaments, and the pall bearers were Messrs. Liverpool, Carew, Harewod, Leach, Medas, and Mashort. Among those who attended the funeral were a bevy of ladies and the following gentlemen many of whom were brethren of the various Fraternal Institutions with which the deceased had been connected in his life time – Drs. T. T. Nichols, S. P. James, W. W. Campbell, and J. C. Fox. Messers. T. A. Medas, P. A. Cummings, A. Hollingsworth, S. R. Ellis, J. N. Carew, J. W. Jackson, C. N. Harewood, C. M. Kennedy, C. A. Campbell, E. P. Brunyning, E. F. Fredericks, E. E. Elcock, J. and A. B. Cromwell, J. R. Perreira, H. Nedderman, R. J. Bowling, B. Haynes, L. Greenidge, S. J. Cyrus, J. N. Thompson, E. Nassy, J. A. Casey, A. C. Isaacs, Jones, A. W. Brereton, M. Liverpool, A. Stewart, H. M. Murray, M. Theobald, C. Shannon, J. L. Haywood, G. D. Bentham, T. Mayers, S. A. Campbell, J. A. Harding, V. E. Coppin, S. W. Ogle, F. A. Charles, F. A. Leubin, D. Baird, J. de Weever, L. M. La Roche, F. B. Piggott, J. R. Waldron, J. Hunte, J. Thuesdee, C. Walks, S. Chase, C. S. deSouza, H. Boston, C. Wickham, R. O. Williams, J. J. Primo, S. D. Morrison, H. Lovell, J. E. Owen, Scanterbury, J. N. Harris, Daniels, H. S. Jackson, J. T. Chung, J. Henry, K. King, J. R. Jordan, B. M. Alleyne, E. E. S. Blackman, E. L and S. Dolphin, N. Hazlewood, J. Moore, M. Kingston, J. T. Young, C. St. C. Roman, C. Skerrett, R. Jones, J. S. Talbott, B. Isaacs, R. Douglas, R. Ramsay, J. Cummings, J. Estwick, Albert McL. Ogle, J. B. Dewar, D. Gittens, C. Bruton, J. A. Simpson, S. Jordan, E. A. Rohlehr, F. Husbands, J. Arthur, snr., E. Legall, A. Lyken, R. Petrie, A. Remington, C. H. Harewood, J. A. Wilson, Geo. Lawrence, D. E. Jackson, R. A. Millar, J. R. Vigilance, C. A. Lashley, W. Arno, M. A. Murray, F. E. Pollard, S. B. Oliver, R. A. Kendall, G. C. Bascom, J. Walcott, E. F. Beckles, W. G. Yellery, G. Wainwright, W. Bentham, T. Hohenkirk, J. Massy, A. Dummett, C. A. Joseph, W. Barnwell, W. W. Wilson, J. Richmond, E. Archer, F. Reece, D. A. Giles, S. Brathwaite, D. Morris and Bowen.
Floral tributes The floral tributes were beautiful and numerous; among those received were some from the following – the Court Georgetown Diamond A.O.F., the Star of Bethlehem Doric Lodge No. 15 I.U.O.S.M., Court Berbice Heart A.O. F., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. T. Chung, Mr. E. Elcock, and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bentham, Mr. and Miss Glover, Mr. B. Hercules and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Fernandes, Snr., Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Talbott, Mr. J. B. Nelson, M. E. Bartley, and family, Mr. J. A. Simpson. (Date and newspaper unknown) {courtesy of John O'Connor - our many thanks and appreciation to John for his time and work in obtaining these records}

BERESFORD --- At Berbice, (British Guiana) on the 3d of August, Doct. John BERESFORD, in the 68th year of his age. Doct. Beresford was a native of the island of Barbadoes and was at an early period of his life attached to the medical department of the British service. Establishing himself, however, in the practice of his profession at Berbice, he lived to be one of the oldest English inhabitants of the colony and it is not exceeding the limits of impartial truth, or of the general testimony of the community, to say that not one of its citizen was more honored and beloved. The unbounded kindness of his heart, his habitual benevolence in the exercise of a laborious profession, his cordial hospitality and the steadiness of his Christian principles and conduct, endeared him in every circle and attracted the warm, personal affectin of those who saw him in his more private intercourse. In the year 1840, he visited the U.S. and for a time resided at Hartford, and afterwards at Brookly, NY and in both these places will be remembered by many with an esteem which so short a period does not often establish. The death of his brother, the late Doct. James Beresford, of Hartford, in 1843, was deeply felt by him, both as a severe bereavement and as an admonition that his won days were the desire to see once the desire to see once more those members of his family who remained in his former place of residence, he undertook, in April last, a voyage to Berbice. After a stay of three months, he was attached with paralysis, which on the fourth day, closed his life. He died uner the roof of a most affectionate son, in the possession of his mental faculties. 4 October 1844 -Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut

CLEMENTSON - Mar 8, 1886, New York Times March 8 - Julia CLEMENTSON, widow of Hon. Henry Clementson, of Demerara, British Guiana, formerly of Barbados, Wes dies. Funeral private. Interment at Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston, Mass. (New York Times)

DARDIER --- At the residence of her niece, Mrs. W.H. Workman, Miss Charlotte Ann Dardier, a native of Demerara, British Guiana, aged 84 years, 11 months. Funeral from her late home, No. 357 South Boyle Ave., Saturday, April 15, 1899, thence to St. Mary’s Church were requiem high mass will be celebrated, commencing at 10 o’clock a.m. Friends and acquaintances invited. Interment New Calvary Cemetery. (April 15, 1899 - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA

DAWES – On March 15, 1901, Anne E., widow of the late William DAWES, formerly of British Guiana, South America. Funeral services Sunday, 17th inst. At 64 Hanson Place, Brooklyn at 4 p.m. Interment private. Boston and Baltimore papers please copy. 1901 March 16, New York Times

EDWARDS (Title: F. B. Edwards, Jurist, Dies). FITZ BENJAMIN EDWARDS, former Chief Magistrate of British Guiana died yesterday of heart disease at 229 West 138th street, where he has resided since comoing here four years ago after his retirement from the bench. He was born in England in 1866 and as a young man went to British Guiana. He practices law there before he was made a magistrate. He is survived by his widow, three daughters and two sons, King and Philip EDWARDS. The latter was a member of the Canadian Olympic team this year. 15 Sept 1928 - New York Times

FARNUM --- William FARNUM, at Suffern, N.Y., Sept 7, formerly of Georgetown, British Guiana. Funeral at St. Pauls Church, Clinton and Carroll Sts., Brooklyn on Thursday, Sept. 9, at 10 a.m. (9 Sept 1915, New York Times) [The next day, another articlel dated 10 Sept 1915 was printed for Mr. Farnum, as follows]
WILLIAM FARNUM, a retired businessman, formerly of Georgetown, British Guiana, died at his summer home at Suffern, N.Y. on Monday from stomach disease. Mrs. Farnum lived at 99 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn and was a member of St. Pauls Episcopal Church.

FREDERICKS - Georgetown, British Guiana, April 6 (Canadian Press). ---- E.F. FREDERICKS, prominent barrister and first full-blooded Negro elected to British Guiana’s legislative council, died here today at the age of 58. April 7, 1934, New York Times

MARQUES – Mary MARQUES, on May 18, 1938, born in Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana. Survived by six sons, four daughters, thirty-one grandchildren, seventeen great-grandchildren. Funeral Saturday, 10 a.m., 355 Marcellus Road, Mineola, L. I. (New York Times)

MOORHEAD - April 22, 1800. – On Thursday, April 22, in Colonial Hospital, Demerara, British Guiana. Frank B. MOORHEAD, of pneumonia, aged 18 years and 8 months. (New York Times)

O'MEARA - 22 November, 1898. New York Times. William O'MEARA, for thirty-four years Provost Marshal of British Guiana, died suddenly yesterday at his sister's home in Norristown, Penn. He was sixty years old. He resigned his official position last January.

QUAIL, J. A. – No date of day, month or year of death was included nor the newspaper which ran the lengthy article in this clipping. Mr. Quail was interred at Le Repentir cemetery. Read entire article (very lengthy) View actual news clipping {courtesy of John O'Connor - our many thanks and appreciation to John for his time and work in obtaining these records}

QUAIL, J. A. – The Late Mr. J. A. Quail – Prominent Druggist Passes Away – Largely Attended Funeral. We regret to announce the death of Mr. J.A. Quail, late chemist and druggist of the Stabroek Market which sad event took place almost suddenly at his late residence, lot 28 D’Urban Street, Wortmanville, on Monday morning. Deceased had been apparently well until about 4:30 Monday morning when he complained of feeling ill and about half an hour later, he succumbed, his malady been diagnosed as heart trouble. Deceased, who was of an amiable character, had a large circle of friends and his death is greatly lamented. The funeral, which was fairly largely attended, took place from the above address yesterday afternoon and amongst those who attended were Messrs E.F. Fredericks; LL, B.J., W. Weeks; M.E. Kingston, M. Nascimento, W. Harrison, E.S. Conway, J. Byer, J.A. Barnwell, G.J. Cameron, S. Detering, W. Worrell, E. Reid, R. Piggot, J. Hutt, F. Nurse, J. Alves, G. Ramsay, G.L. Theobald, P. Perry, R.H. Cendrecourt, J. Rogers, G. Abraham, E. Boston, A. Williams, G. and C. Quail, G. Sylvestre, H. Bumbury, R.F. Ellis, E.E. Elcock and T.A. Egerton. The bearers were Messrs J.J. Hutt, J.A. Ince, F. Nurse, R.H. Cendrecourt and G. and C. Quail. The cortege wended its way to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Main Street, where the Rev. Father Nazareth conducted a short service after which the procession proceeded ot La Repentir Cemetery where the interment was made in the new Roman Catholic ground, the Rev. Father Nazareth performing the last rites at the graveside. A large number of floral tributes was sent. (Date and newspaper unknown) See below actual news clipping {courtesy of John O'Connor - our many thanks and appreciation to John for his time and work in obtaining these records}

ROTH ---Georgetown, British Guiana, April 6 [AP] ---- Walter Edmund ROTH, internationally known anthropologist and curator of the British Guiana Museum, died today in this seventy-third year. 7 Apr 1933, New York Times

TENCH, 1916, New York Times Mrs. WILLIAM EASTWOOD CARROUTHERS TENCH, the last o the twenty-two children of the late Lieut. Gen John Murray, Governor of Demerara and Georgetown, British Guiana, at the end of the eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth centuries, died on Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.A.D. Vickers, in Chicago, Ill. She was born in Little Ealing, London, England and was in her eighty-ninth year. Mrs. Tench was educated at Versailles, France during the reign of Louis Phillipe. (New York Times)

Van EEDEN --- BOONTON, N.J., Oct. 3 ---- Mrs. Sophie Van Eeden, a resident of Boonton for the last thirteen years, died this morning in her eighty-eighth year at the Home for Incurables in Newark after two months’ illness. Mrs. Van Eden was the widow of Pieter Van EEDEN, who had large sugar interests in British Guiana, where she was born in Mary 15, 1845. She came to this country after the death of her husband thirty years ago. 1932, October 4, Special to the New York Times

WILLS, John E. - Source: Obituary - The Daily Chronicle - July 13, 1944: page 2 Georgetown, Thursday. July 13 - read entire article of this Buxton-Friendship Village man.

WILLS, John E. - Source: Obituary - The Daily Chronicle - July 13, 1944: page 2
Georgetown, Thursday. July 13 there passed away at 10 PM on Wednesday July 5, after a brief illness, Mr. John E. Willis, retired Overseer of the Buxton-Friendship Village District. Mr. Willis, who was a very popular figure in the village, was a devoted churchman, keen politician, and successful farmer. He enjoyed the esteem and confidence of the villagers and was always regarded as a true and sincere friend. The large attendance at his funeral bore ample testimony of the position he held in the hearts of his people, to whose interests and welfare he gave freely of his time. Mr. Willis, began his career as a Primary School teacher and was for several years an Assistant Teacher at St. Augustine's Lower School (now closed), under the late Mercy Ann Joseph. When he retired from teaching he became Assistant Overseer of the Buxton and Friendship Village District.
On the retirement of Mr. J. D. Young, Mr. Wills was appointed Overseer. He served faithfully and well until two years ago, when he too, went into honourable retirement. Leaving the house, the cortege wended its way to Arundel Congregational Church of which Mr. Wills was a senior deacon. The service was conducted by the Rev. Pat. Matthews assisted by the Rev. D. W. H. Pollard, B.D., Minister-in-charge. Making fitting reference to the exemplary life of the deceased, Rev. Mr. Matthews who spoke with great emotion, brought to a close his funeral oration with these words: “with the passing of Brother Willis, Arundel has lost not only a true and valiant son, but one of its strongest pillars.”
Mr. Wills left to mourn their loss a sorrowing wife, five sons, one daughter, and six grandchildren.
The following were among those who attended the funeral: John A., William E., and Winston C. Wills (sons); Dr. J. E. Ramdeholl (chairman of the Local Authority); Messrs. J. L. Wills; J. T. Clarke; R. Sydney Miller (Jnr.); H. A. Bruton; L. Hazelwood; J. D. Younge; George Younge; Dodsley Younge; Jack Younge; Aaron Abrams; R. Butts; M. Jordon; T. Gordon; J. Duke; Josephus Wills; Donald French; Sergeant Major Murray; J. Glasgow; George Herod; E. F. Chance; H. Correia; A. D. Philadelphia; T. B. Charles; Patrick French; D. Grenada; Wm. Hutson; Eric Wills; G. Pompey; B. Proffit; G. Talbot; Thos. Barton; Jos. Harvey; Jnr,; E. A. Neblett; Oliver Cromwell; Fred Seaforth; Rev. O. Lupe; H. Cromwell; W. W. Holder; and Stanley A. Thierens. {submitted by: Milwana Osanku}

WILLS, Samuel --Georgetown, British Guiana, March 6 (Canadian Press). ---- Samuel E. WILLS, barrister, known as the “poet laureate of British Guiana”, died twelve hours after he collapsed when he heard a jury convict one of two brothers whom he defended against a charge of murder. He was born in the colony sixty-nine years ago. He was the first successfully to carry an appeal against a murder conviction to the British West Indies Court of Appeal. March 7, 1934, New York Times

WILTSHIRE, Reuben Thomas - The death occurred on October 22, 1962, of REUBEN THOMAS WILTSHIRE, one of B. G. oldest service men after a short illness. He was 87 years. (Read entire article)

WILTSHIRE, Reuben Thomas - The death occurred on October 22, 1962, of REUBEN THOMAS WILTSHIRE, one of B. G. oldest service men after a short illness. He was 87 years. Wiltshire joined the army in 1908, and served in the Boer war, was one of the many ex-service-men visited by air commodore Brian J. ROBERTS, general secretary of the British Commonwealth Ex-service league on October 4, during his six day visit to British Guiana . The body laid in state at Bedford Methodist church, during Wednesday afternoon, October 24, Rev. D. C. J. Bobb conducted the funeral service at the church. The B. G. Legionnaires were represented by a bugler and three members. The association also supplied a Union Jack which was used to drape the coffin. The last post was sounded as the body was entombed. Left to mourn are Gladys his wife, Archie, Harold, Cecil of the Telecoms department, Kenneth ( England ), Lanroy ( Trinidad ), (sons) Mrs. F. H. Alleyne, Mrs. L. Millman, Mrs. B. GOODING, ( Trinidad ), and Claudia of Medical Department (daughters) and 20 grandchildren. ATTENDANCE Revs. C. J. BOBB, B. WELLINGTON, Vandeyar; Messrs, H. Schwartz, R. W. Chung, G. Wills, H. Carryl, T. Hercules, C. Barrow, B. Carrington, P.F. Loncke, P. Millimour, D. Britton, F. Giles, V. Crane, W. Hammond, V. Franklyn, P. Dougall, L. Yearwood, C. Trotman, E. Reis, H. A. D. Hall, C. Chan-A-Sue, G. E. A. Perry, B. Orderson, B. Warren, C. Guller, R. B. Junor, H. C. Carr, A. Alleyne, M. Farley, B. Henry, J. Serrao, R. Duncan, Fitz Clarke, H. Shepherd, C. Phillips, M. Greene, A. B. Foo, B. Martin, C. H. King, P. King, R. McRae, L. A. Robinson, L. E. Smith, W. C. Cameron, H. O. Waddell, L. A. Philadelphia, O. Grandison, O. Orderson, V. Coates, G. Stephenson, H. Wilkinson, M. Small, L Richards, A. Kirton, C. Bowman, G. Jerrick, C Wilson, G Jordan, J. Gay, K. Burrowes, members of friendship women's league, members of Rome women's league, members of trinity women's league, members of Bedford women's league, J. Gooding, J. London. Many wreaths, cards, and telegrams were received from many relatives and friends. : Obituaries Daily chronicle, Tuesday, November 6, 1962 : Page 3.{submitted by: Milwana Osanku}


Frederick Oudschans Dentz (1876-1961), a prolific Dutch writer and historian, published a comprehensive inventory of tombstones in Suriname and a more modest similar inventory in Guyana during the period 1912-1946. These inventories were issued anew in April 2006 by the Foundation for Surinamese Genealogy (Stichting voor Surinaamse Genealogie,).

This 2006 publication brings together all the inventories that Oudschans Dentz previously published. In all, details of 845 tombstones in Suriname are listed, as well as details of 81 tombstones of deceased persons of British or American nationality that were not initially published. Additionally, his inventories include details of 40 persons of Dutch ancestry described in the texts of the tombstones he examined in Guyana. This current document lists details of the tombstones Oudschans Dentz surveyed in Guyana.

The British Army in British Guiana

Army Births Marriages and Deaths in British Guiana from the “Overseas” GRO

British Army Births Click here
British Army Marriages Click here
British Army Deaths Click here
British Merchant Navy Crew born in British Guiana Click here

Thanks to Lisa Booth for these transcriptions

Australian Connection

People who were born in British Guiana and lived in Australia, or other connections with Australia and British Guiana - our thanks to Lisa Booth for transcribing these and submitting them.

Transcribed Census - Essequibo, Guyana, UK and USA

Lisa and Romaine have transcribed from census, choosing ONLY those listings whose birth and/or previously resided in British Guiana, French Guiana, or (Dutch Guiana) Surinam as well as "South America".

NOTE regarding Guyanese census: : A few years ago, the 2002 Guyana census was available online. In 2014, all that is available is a statiscial report on the census. There were numerous notices that CARICOM would conduct a census in Guyana in 2012.

Lisa Booth has transcribed the United Kingdom's 1891 census for all those persons who were born or previously resided in British Guiana.

1896 Essequibo Census conducted by Michael McTurk
From a letter dated June 8, 1896 from Michael McTurk, while the Stipendary Magistrate of the Essequibo River Judicial District to the Governor, regarding his census:

"I have the honour to forward herewith a list of the names, ages, number of years residence in the locality, place of birth, end such other information as I have been able to acquire of the Inhabitants in the Essequebo River Judicial District.
A mere list of the names of the persons without stating the place of birth would not give an adequate idea of the time of residence in the District, even with the years of residence in the locality.
Most of the settlers are more or less Indians in their habits and rove from place to place, seldom spending their lifetime at the place where they were born, though not going out of or far from the District. Nearly all the old settlers still converse in a Dutch patois.
I have had considerable difficulty in getting the information desired, many refusing to give me even their names, and others avoiding me by going into the forest behind their houses and remaining there until my patience was exhausted and I had to leave. Various motives were given for this conduct, but the one that seemed to me the most credible was, the idea that the Government were making a list of the people in order to tax them. I estimate that the number of persons whose names I did not get for the above reason, at two hundred. "

The census was photographed by Bernard Abraham from the UK National Archives: CO 111: Colonial Office and predecessors: British Guiana, formerly Berbice, Demerara, and Essequibo , Original Correspondence, The entire McTurk correspondence is in Folder CO 111/486.
John Henderson ranscribed from those photos of Mr. McTurks handwritten documents (see sample page here) which was difficult due to legibility, the handwriting and also East Indian names. He feels that about 80% of the transcription is accurate but was not sure of the remainder. If someone knows Bangladesh or East Indian surnames and would like to try reading them, post a note on the Forum and we can send you the digitized pages. The transcriptions have been divided for easy searching.
If you are searching for an ancestor whose surname begins within the letters A to J -
click here for A to J PDF file
If you are searching for an ancestor whose surname begins within the letters J to Z -
click here for J to Z PDF file.

NOTE: Although the transcription by Romaine Locke for 1850 UK census is so labeled, the UK census was done in 1851 (and is done on the 1 year of each decade, i.e., 1901, 1911, etc.). So we have two 1851 United Kingdom census transcriptions and it may be well to search each one.

Almanacs, Directories and Diaries

British Guiana Directories (& Almanac) and Diaries

Thanks to Tim Smellie who found some rare old British Guiana Directories in his Aunt's possession has shared them with us. Transcription of these 6 directories was completed on September 2008. Transcription was done by Sharon Anderson and V. Davies.
Most recently, Bernard Abraham was researching in Holland and scanned many more directories and shared them with us - 13 in all. Many thanks to Bernard, we have a few earlier years to peruse. The British Guiana Almanacks were books printed annually by the printers in Georgetown; alternating from Robert Short at the Argosy Newspaper Office and the Chronicle's office. The books contain a brief history of the country, an almanack, overview of laws, charts of crop production, and the more recent ones had directories of persons living in the colony. They were meant to be used for merchants and for businessmen outside the colony for contact information.
What can you expect to find in these directories? The directories are similar to "phone book" entries, however, the directories usually indicate the person's occupation and employer. These listings will confirm that an ancestor did indeed live in the colony in the preceding year or year of the directory; where they lived (in some cases)and their occupation and employer. This is indeed minimal data but many of us are grateful for even this since we are without access to any official records. The lists did not include residents of Essequibo and, for the most part, Berbice, as well as those living along the upper river banks and none on the native peoples.

The newly acquired (October 2017) directories require transcription as breaking up the digital scans into smaller files and posting them did not work as the files were still too large.

NOTE: (May 5, 2015) Research Consultant, Joanne Collins-Gonsalves, Ph.D., reports that the Guyana National Library holds the following yearly directories:
1825,1861,1862,1866,1875-1883, 1888-1892,1893, 1896, 1898, 1902, 1909 and 1922. She reports also that some of the directories are quite fragile. Of their holdings, this site has transcriptions of three-1888, 1889 and 1898.

1860 - An "Assembled" Directory:
To search, Click on the letter or group to open the corresponding 1860 PDF file

   A - B       C - D      E - H      I - M       N - R      S - Z   

1865 - British Guiana Directory and Diary - this edition has no directories nor data of interest

1866 - British Guiana Directory and Diary - this edition has no directory but does have a list of Sugar Estates

1867 - British Guiana Directory and Diary - no directory but has "List of Jurors" :
Demerara List of Jurors - Surnames A to JEF       Surnames JEF to Y
Essequebo List of Jurors - Esseqiuebo Juror List
Berbice List of Jurors - Berbice Juror List
The book provides no explaination of the meaning of this List of Jurors. Because for each name, a name of a church parish is given, it is no doubt church related. The list does provide residents and their occupations however, so could be useful to many. NOTE: This list was found in only "semi alphabetical" order and has been corrected.

1872 - British Guiana Directory and Diary - has no directory but does contain a Trade Directory (merchants and employees)

1873 - Britisih Guiana Directory and Diary - no directory but does have a Trade Directory (merchants and employees)

1874 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack (note Title change) - no directory but has a Trade Directory (merchants & employees)

1875 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack - Directory needs transcription

1877 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack - Directory needs transcription

1878 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack - Directory needs transcription

1880 British Guiana Directory: Transcription Completed 20 February 2008
To search, Click on the first letter of the surname to open the corresponding 1880 Transcription PDF file.

  A   B   C    D    E - F   G   H    I - J 
 K - L    M    N - Q    R    S   T    U - V    W - Z 

1882 British Guiana Directory & Almanack - Transcription Complete (Sept 1 2008)

  A   B   C    D    E    F   G    H    I - K  
 L    M    N - O    P - Q    R   S    T    U - V    W - Z 

1889 British Guiana Directory & Almanack - Transcription Complete (July 21 2008)

  A   B   C    D    E    F   G    H    I - J   K 
  L    M    N - O    P - Q   R    S    T   U - V    W   Y - Z  

1890 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack - Directory needs transcription

1892 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack - Directory needs transcription

1894 - British Guiana Directory with Almanack - Directory needs transcription

1898 Search the Directory: Transcription COMPLETED (15 Jan 2008)

  A   B   C    D    E    F   G    H    I - J   K 
  L    M    N - O    P - Q   R    S    T   U - V    W   XYZ  

1904 British Guiana Directory

  A   B   C    D    E    F   G    H    I    J    K   L 
 Ma - McR    McT - My    N    O   P - Q   R    S    T   U - V    W   XYZ  

Dr. Roger Austin

Dr. Roger Austin - His Guyana Research

We have missed Roger since his passing in October 2007. He was a dedicated genealogist who loved to share his research with others. This page continues the sharing of Roger's work as he had begun with his own website. We all very much appreciate Roger's work and his generosity in sharing it with us.


  • Booker Brothers & Company Lists: No doubt everyone from Guyana or researching has heard of Booker Brothers who owned many sugar estates. Roger has transcribed two listings of personnel who worked for this company over the years.

  • Sugar Estate Employees: The persons listed in the following files worked on the sugar estates in Guyana. The lists may be of interest to genealogists and family historians. PARTNERS and CLERKS List

  • Sugar Estates Owned and Engineers

  • Book List - List of titles, authors, publishers and year of publication of books on diverse aspects of Guyana history and culture. Book Lists - compiled by the late Dr. Roger Austin

  • Book Transcriptions: Roger transcribed a book about Guyana and edited another - both shared below. The third book was transcribed by Roger's Austin relative, Tim Smellie.

  • History of the Colonies of Demerara, Essequibo and Berbice, by P.M. Netscher, 1888 - Roger's “Transcriber's Note”: “Readers should be aware that this book was written in Dutch by P.M. Netscher, translated into English by W.E. Roth and was typeset in Utrect in 1888, probably by people who were not familiar with English. Hence it is not surprising that the resulting text is less perfect than modern idiomatic English and contains numerous typographical erros and inconsistencies. I have omitted the summaries of contents of each chapter in the Contents. Occasional References in the style (nn) have been retained although they are not referenced in the English translation. Otherwise, with very few exceptions, I have transcribed the text as it stands in the original translation, retaining the spelling and typographical erros and idiosyncratic grammar. Although I have tried to eliminate them, some errors of transcription may have remained undetected in the present version. Readers may check the transcribed text against an image of the original pages if they wish to resolve any doubts about the accurary of the transcription. Roger B. Austin, Cambridge, U.K. 2002 “

  • ‘History of British Guiana, From the Year 1668 to the Present Time ”, Volume III, 1833-1893, By James Rodway, F.L.S., Georgetown, Demerara Timothy Smellie's “Transcriber's Note”: “This book, originally printed in British Guiana, has been transcribed into its present form from an original copy of the printed version.
    A few of the most obvious spelling/type-setting errors have been corrected, otherwise the text, written as it was towards the end of the 19 th Century and including certain archaic words, is unaltered. The modern spellings, Essequibo and Mazaruni have been used in the transcription instead of the older forms, Essequebo and Massaruni, respectively.
    The chapter numbering has been retained but each chapter has been given page number starting at 1. This is reflected in the Index.
    Rodway occasionally refers to certain events &c. in former chapters. These will be found in Volumes I and II of his ‘History of British Guiana' which contain the chapters I to XXVI. ------ Timothy J. Smellie, U.K. 2003 “

  • Reports by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk, printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrison and Sons, St. Martin' Lane, Lond, August 1896; Further documents relating to the question of boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela; Edited by Odeen Ishmael, Washington, D.C., March 2000; Comments and Suggested corrections made by Roger Austin, January 2003.
    These 18 documents comprising Schomburgk’s Letter and Reports on his survey of the boundaries of British Guiana (during 1841-43) were presented to the British Houses of Parliament on command of Her Majesty the Queen in August 1896. They formed part of the evidence to support the British Case before the Arbitral Tribunal meeting in Paris in 1898-99.

Guyana History - Some Books and Records
The late Dr. Roger Austin maintained a website of the above title until his death in October 2007. He was an accomplished genealogist and researcher and will be greatly missed. We have been asked to present the material from his website here to continue his wish to share his data. .

Personal Memoirs:

My Memoirs: The Memoirs of Elsie Smellie who was born and lived in Georgetown, Guyana. This memoir is well-written and is a riveting read.

The Hundred Days: An account of the voyage from Georgetown to England, 29 October 1944 to 6 February 1945 on the S.S. Arabian Prince, by Elsie D. Smellie. Mrs. Smellie undertakes a dangerous and difficult journey with her two children in tow.

Plantation Albion: a Childhood Memoir, 1930-1939 Boyhood recollections of Bruce Watson at Plantation Albion, Berbice and Georgetown, Guyana

Be sure to read these other Memoirs online:

Memoirs of Hector Lachmansingh, of Bush Lot, Berbice. (Site no longer found)

Memoirs of Peter Halder who grew up in Albouystown in the 1930-1940s....

Emigration Data

Ship Manifests

These records were chosen from the vast ship manifest records of only persons who were travelling from British Guiana to the United States. Some of these passengers were transiting through New York to other destinations and many were going to remain the U.S. These transcriptions are just a small portion of the records which is too vast to transcribe them all. This is a transcription project that is only done from time to time and only legible records are transcribed.
Although some of these emigrants intended to stay in the US, some were visiting relatives, some to study, and others were in transit for Canada or England. Whatever info was in the record, it was recorded in the chart(s). Many records provided the name and address of the nearest relative from their home country which is recorded when it is provided as well as the relationship, name and address of the person to be visited in the US. There will be additions in the future as time allows.
To view the transcriptions, choose the letter of the surname to be searched.

Various Years Manifests transcribed by Lisa Booth

Surnames A - F Surnames G - M Surnames N - Z

1853 through 1938 Manifests transcribed by Sharon Anderson

Surnames A - F Surnames G - P Surnames R - Z

Emigrants from Demerara transcribed by Lisa Booth

Click here (opens in a new page)

Benjamin, Sophia
See, Cox, Lillian.

George B. Brummel, age 52 is on census of 1920, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, page 42. He was born in British Guiana, as were his parents. George is working as a porter at a store publishing house. Although the date is overwritten, it looks like he entered the US in 1900 and his status remains "alien". His race is given as "M for mulatto". He is a lodger in the household of Alice Seldom, age 71 and her children. The SELDOM family are also listed as mulatto.

See La Point

Cox, Lillian
Lillian Cox, age 42 was born in British Guiana as were her parents. She works as a laundress for a private family. Lillian entered the US in 1919 and status is "Alien". Living with her is Sophia Benjamin, age 41, working as a cook for a private family. Sophia was also born in British Guiana as were her parents. Sophia entered the US in 1912, status, Alien. Race listed as black for both.

De Ryck
See La Point

De Silva, George
George and family are found on the 1920 Manhattan census at page 90. George, a mulatto, is 26 years old, born in British Guiana (parents born in Portugal and British Guiana) and works as a shoemaker at a shoe shop. His wife Edith is 20 years old and was born in the British West Indies as were her parents. They live at 187 West 137th St, apt 108.

Herout (family)
The Herout family - father an Evangelist, Phillip B., age 34, his wife Elizabeth C. age 31, and daughters May age 6, Emily age 6, and Asneth age 3, traveled aboard the SS Maraval from Demerara to New York City. Mr. Herout was going to study religion with A.P. Barrow, 50 W 134th Stret, in New York. Their nearest relative in Guiana was C.H. Chesney, 192 Camp Street, Georgetown.

La Point
Charles La Point was found on the 1930 US Federal Census, in New York City, Manhattan Borough, NY. Charles was then 31 years of age and worked as a chauffeur for a private party. The census shows that Charles was born in New York but both his parents were born in British Guiana. His wife, Beryl, age 25, was born in British Guiana as were both her parents. Beryl was listed as an alien who came to the US in 1921.
In the La Point household was Louise DeRYCK, her son, daughter, and sister, Arabella BUSEY - all born in British Guiana. Louise and her children came to the US in 1924 and Arabella came in 1926. They were living at 311 West 111th Street, Manhattan.

London (family)
An online family tree of the London family and of the ancestors originally from Africa.

Matthews, Winifred O.
Miss Matthews, age 23, travled to New York City aboard the SS Maraval in September 1920 to visit a relative, Mrs. C.L. Payne, 516 Atlantic Avenue, New York City. Her nearest relative in Guiana was her father, Mr. H. A. Matthews, Educational Dept., Georgetown.

Nurse, George C.
George Nurse appears on the 1920 Manhattan, New York census on page 89-b. He is 34 years old, a tailor at a clothing house; with his family: wife, Blanche, age 26, daughters Gladys age 3, born Br. Guiana, and Crilh (?) age 1, born NY. Both parents were born in British Guiana, race listed as black, and first entered the US in 1917 and have filed their first naturalization papers and reside at 20 West 137th St, apt 91.

Land Grants / Ownership

"The work of Dr. Odeen Ishmael, The Guyana Story, provides information about the early grants of land as "estates" from which many grantees would subdivide into lots for sale. . Dr. Ishmael's essay No. 24 covered the districts and included a map. From Ishmael's essay 36, regarding the Growth of Georgetown, I put together this little timeline of the establishment and growth of plantations:" S. Anderson

Demerara Land Grant Timeline

1746 – Gravesande began granting land on Demerara River banks

1748 - 18 plantations have been established (wonder which ones these were?)

1759 - Map of plantations ( Caerte van de rivier Demerary van ouds Immenary : gelegen op Suyd Americaes Noordkust, op de Noorder Breedte van 6 gr. 40 min)

1763 - Majority of population are English setters, owning roughly 1/3 of the existing plantations

1770 - Dutch bank provides credit to sugar planters – plantations in Demerara expand from 93 to 130

1775 - Gravesande dies at Soesdyke plantation

Dr. Ishmael covered Berbice briefly only with the following all that was found:

Berbice Land Grant Timeline

1732 – Berbice Assoc & Dutch West India Company establish charter to grant lands to private individuals

1735 - 12 estates in the Assoc. but 93 new private plantations (both banks of Berbice River) and 20 on banks of Canje

1762 - Did not provide the number of existing plantations but did provide population as: 4,423 (346 whites, 244 Amerindians, 3,833 Africans)

Names of people who acquired Lands and Licences

Dutch Land Grants Licences of Occupation Land Grants
1720 - 1772 1805 - 1897 1883

Local Events as posted in colonial British Guiana publications

While you may think the Local Events data would be of little interest, most of the entries involved a citizen of the colony, so there is plenty of valuable genealogical data - including births and deaths. Surnames are capitalized for easier spotting of a desired name. All source data as described below was scanned by Tim Smellie and transcribed by Sharon Anderson.

  • 1879 Local Events - Transcribed from: The British Guiana Directory and Almanack for 1880; Georgetown, Demerara; Printed by L. M'Dermott, Water Street, Georgetown, British Guiana, 1880; owned, scanned & contributed by Tim Smellie; transcribed by Sharon Anderson in February 2007 - NOTE: These listings were selectively transcribed as these lists consisted primarily of Town Council meetings, etc. presented as an "event". Such entries were not deemed to be of genealogical value and were omitted.

  • 1881 Local Events - Transcribed from: The British Guiana Directory and Almanack for 1880; Georgetown, Demerara; Printed by L. M'Dermott, Water Street, Georgetown, British Guiana; owned, scanned & contributed by Tim Smellie; transcribed by Sharon Anderson, August 2007 - NOTE: These listings were selectively transcribed as these lists consist primarily of Town Council meetings, etc. presented as an "event". Such entries were not deemed to be of genealogical value and were omitted.

  • 1902 Local Events - Transcribed from the 1904 British Guiana Directory and Almanack owned, scanned & contributed by Tim Smellie; transcribed February 2007 by Sharon Anderson

  • 1903 Local Events - Transcribed from the 1904 British Guiana Directory and Almanack owned, scanned & contributed by Tim Smellie; transcribed February 2007 by Sharon Anderson

Miscellaneous Records

Berbice colonists names 1794

Charles Jardine Life story and Obituary

Irish Probates 1850 to 1920
Irish Probate records of persons who presumably died in British Guiana

1882 Club Listings of British Guiana
Listing of members of various BG clubs

Latin America Commercial Directory of 1892
Contained in the Commercial Directory of Latin America (1892) was a section for British Guiana. Debbie Sobers has transcribed the entries. The Directory was similar to those in the local Georgetown Directory, being sorted by Type of Occupation/Business; to make it easier for our visitors, the entries have been alphabetized by Surname or Business name, Given Names, and Location. Search the transcriptions by the PDF files according to the first letter of the Surname or Business Name:

 A to C     D to G     H to M     N to Z 

St Eustatius List of 1781 Burghers
As many British Guiana ancestors arrived from surrounding Caribbean Islands, the transcription of the 1781 List of Burghers (citizens) of St. Eustatius may be of interest.

Shareholders of the Demerara Railway Co
The Ordinance of 1847, No. X., established the "Demerara Railway Company", and it included a schedule of the first shareholders. Only this schedule containing the names of the shareholders was transcribed.

UK Register of Seamen born in British Guiana

Masonic membership listing dated from 1831-1921, as transcribed by Lisa Booth.
This data has been alphabetized by Surnames and is quite lengthy.

Occupations of BG Ancestors

These lists were found in the old BG directories and will provide some occupational information for ancestors who lived in British Guiana from the mid 19th century.

The Woodcutting licenses were provided by the government to those who would live in the forest areas and could hire workers to harvest wood. There were many woodcutters along the Demerara.

1834 Justices of the Peace

Justices of the Peace 1860 to 1904

    A to HU         I to Z     

1857 Woodcutting Licensees

Woodcutting Licensees

Last First Acres Locality Year Month Day Amt p/Yr
Alty William 500 LB Demerara Riv above Rap 1855 Mar 1 $ 80.00
Blair Thomas 300 RB Mibirie Crk, Waratillo 1853 Feb 7 $ 48.00
Blount Benjamin A. 300 S side Hibibei Crk 1855 Jan 22 $ 48.00
Blount Benjamin A. 300 WB Hilibea Crk 1857 Oct 12 $ 48.00
Bremmer John 500 Wynibiscie Crk 1854 Feb 1 $ 80.00
Bremmer John 300 LB Coreta Crk, Demerara Riv 1857 Sep 10 $ 48.00
Brittlebank J.G. 600 Both Banks Upp Winepuro 1857 Nov 10 $ 96.00
Brittlebank Stafford 300 RB Demerara Riv 1857 Mar 5 $ 48.00
Cameron William 300 RB Demerara Riv above Rapi 1857 Sep 21 $ 48.00
Cameron A.V.B. 600 Both Banks Upp Winepuroo 1857 Nov 10 $ 96.00
Chappentier A.W. 606 Both Banks WaryWerry C 1857 Apr 28 $ 76.28
Couchman Charles 800 RB Demerar Riv above Rapid 1855 Jun 11 $ 128.32
Couchman George 300 RB Demerar Riv above Rapid 1855 Apr 1 $ 48.00
Cox Edward 300 LB Demerar Riv above Rapid 1854 Oct 9 $ 48.00
De France Pelicarpo 300 LB Yarracabera Crk 1855 Apr 26 $ 48.00
de Freitas Jose 500 Kariaeroneror Crk 1855 Jun 25 $ 80.00
de Freitas Jose 300 Karideroneror Crk 1856 Nov 6 $ 48.00
de Govia John 500 LB Cassa Cuya Crk 1856 Dec 20 $ 96.00
de Saro Manuel 500 WB Yauracabera Crk 1854 Jul 31 $ 80.00
de Silva Jose Ignacio 600 Both Banks Decara Crk Mad 1857 Nov 10 $ 96.00
Debrae Antonio 300 NB Hayama Crk 1855 Jan 18 $ 48.00
Detering J.G. 400 Yacaruma Crk (Essequibo) 1856 Oct 7 $ 48.00
Detering J.G. 500 Both Banks Yaraumea 1857 Oct 17 $ 96.00
D'Ornellas Manael /Juana A 500 LB Tenaboe Crk 1953 Apr 5 $ 80.00
Duff Alexander 500 RB Hyama Crk 1854 Apr 19 $ 80.00
Duff Alexander 600 Both Banks Hinarie Crk 1855 Jan 22 $ 96.00
Embleton M.R. 300 Haymurra Crk Esseuibo 1856 Jul 1 $ 48.00
Forsyth Francis 300 Banks of Harriwa Crk 1856 Dec 26 $ 48.00
Fraser Hugh 500 Haan a Crk, br of Pocarore 1854 Jun 3 $ 80.00
Freeg Christina 300 RB Demerara Riv 1857 Oct 24 $ 48.00
Gomez Francis 300 RB Madawine 1857 Oct 17 $ 48.00
Harrison Benjamin 500 WB Camoonie Crk 1857 Sep 11 $ 80.00
Harrison Benjamin 500 Both Banks Himarooni Crk 1857 Mar 13 $ 80.00
Howard Abraham 333 RB Hayama Crk 1854 Oct 2 $ 53.00
Hubbard Joseph 500 Both Banks Hinarie Crk 1853 May 25 $ 80.00
Kereting Herman 300 Both Banks Courousbarro Cr 1853 Apr 20 $ 48.00
King Catharine 300 Both Banks Yauracabera Crk 1854 Aug 2 $ 48.00
Mansfield James & Wm. 300 LB Camawary Crk 1857 Nov 10 $ 48.00
Murray Henry 400 LB Demerara Riv above Com 1854 Sep 19 $ 64.00
Murray Henry 400 LB Demerara Riv below Coo 1854 Oct 9 $ 64.00
Newton George 333 RB Hayama Crk 1854 Oct 2 $ 53.00
Nunez Antonio Veiro 300 Ducara Crk 1854 Aug 10 $ 48.00
Outridge John 366 RB Demerara Riv 1857 May 6 $ 58.56
Parara Antonio 300 Both Banks Awaratilla Crk 1853 May 25 $ 48.00
Pauli Hendrick 600 LB Demerary Riv above Com 1854 Apr 3 $ 96.00
Peake R.W. 300 LB Demerara Riv above Rapi 1857 Oct 12 $ 48.00
Pereira Antonina 400 LB Demerara Riv Waratilla Cr 1857 May 13 $ 64.00
Perreira Francis 300 West Bank Mahaicony Crk 1855 Oct 8 $ 48.00
Petera Peter 500 WB Camoonie Crk 1857 Sep 11 $ 80.00
Pollard William Branch 450 Both Banks Waratilia Crk, C 1855 Apr 13 $ 72.00
Quintal Andriano 300 Ducara Crk 1854 Aug 10 $ 48.00
Rodie Samuel 1000 WB Demerary River 1853 Dec 20 $ 120.00
Rodriques Jose 300 LB Yarracabera Crk 1855 Apr 26 $ 48.00
Shaw John S. 300 RB Demerara Riv 1857 Nov 10 $ 48.00
Spencer Charles 300 LB Ebebeoo Crk 1857 Oct 12 $ 48.00
Staes Joseph 400 LB Demerara River 1857 Dec 28 $ 64.00
Stand Mary Anna 300 Head of Hyama Crk 1857 Oct 24 $ 48.00
Stephen Richard 499 Bank of Waratilla 1855 May 14 $ 80.00
Stewart James 300 Howerakaboera Crk 1854 Mar 16 $ 48.00
Vareila Elentherio 300 Both Banks Miberie Crk 1853 May 25 $ 48.00
Vareila Elentherio 50 RB Miberie Crk 1854 Nov 20 $ 80.00
Vieira Joan 300 RB Arabadamy Zanabo 1857 Oct 17 $ 48.00
Watson Thomas 612 Both Banks Oracocya Crk 1854 Jul 12 $ 97.92
Young Jane 461 LB Winepero 1857 May 4 $ 73.76
Young Jane 300 LB Demerara River 1857 Dec 28 $ 48.00

Plantations and Estates

These lists were found in old British Guiana directories - dated from 1860 to 1904. However, there were only five volumes available. This information may be of interest to family researchers. UPDATE: Thanks to Bernard Abraham of the UK, we now have many more volumes of the Directories available. The 1870 Sugar Estates listing has been transcribed (October 2017) with surnames capitolized for, hopefully, better spotting of a name of an owner, attorney or manager.

PLEASE NOTE: Although some of the records contain titles which are not politically correct today, the records were not altered but transcribed exactly as they were found. This was done to preserve the true record only with no intention to cause offense to anyone.

1860 Plantations & Negro Villages by area

1860 Sugar Estates Listing

1860 Proprietors of NON-Sugar Estates

1870 Sugar Estates


Getting there or Leaving Colonial British Guiana

by Known Steam Ship Lines late 19th or early 20th centuries.
The "hey day" of traveling to the Caribbean and South America was prior to the 1930s. Air travel came later. The Caribbean Islands are still a popular destination for sea cruises but no ocean cruisers dock at Georgetown. In an article dated June 8, 2005 by Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce Manzoor Nadir, "Last year, two cruise ships, Minerva II and the Hanseatic docked in Guyana with over 225 tourists, while for this year two have already arrived, the Clipper Adventurer and the MV Bremmer. Over 400 European tourists are expected to arrive on the German cruise ship, MV Columbus in November. Additionally, a number of yachts from Caribbean countries regularly visit Guyana." It seems that Guyana was charging $2500 for each egress and ingress to Guyana ports but have reported an intention of lowering the fees hoping to attract more cruise ships.

From the early 1900s to the mid 1920s, there was an exodus by many from British Guiana to the US, Canada, or England and they used the availalble transportation of the day, steam ship. Many of those traveled aboard the ships mentioned below. Some of the ships mentioned below were researched as to whether they went to British Guiana or not, only nine (9) ships ever did. Those ships were: SS Maracas (very infrequent); SS Maraval ; SS Prins der Netherlanden and SS Prins Frederik Hendrik (very infrequent); SS Korona from 1903-1923; SS Parima (infrequent); SS Parima infrequently; SS Guiana from 1907-1925 infrequent, and SS Manoa, infrequently. The popular ports during that time as well as currently are: Barbados, Trinidad and Jamaica.

Circa 1909 (or otherwise noted) --- .as reported by James Stark of Boston, Massachusetts, and Guyana Historian James Rodway in their circa 1909 book, "Starks's Guide Book and History of British Guiana". Blue text indicates that an image of an advertisement from this book is just beyond your click. Some of the ads provide names of ships in their line and schedules and this can be very valuable genealogical information. Much information and scans of brochures for some of these lines are from the fabulous site of Björn Larsson; creator of Maritime Timetable Images. Please do NOT contact Bjorn for genealogical information - he has none. He collects airline and ship brochures only. Do, however, visit his website, you'll have a wonderful time browsing his collection!

Alcoa Steamship Company - aka Aluminum Line - (Ships owned by Gørrisen & Co., Norway). 1936 Fleet: Austvangen, Dalvangen, Lindvangen, Nordvangen, Sørvangen and Vestvangen called at Demerara.

American Caribbean Line - Moore, McCormack Co., Inc., New York - 1935 Fleet: SS Scanpenn, SS Scanmail. See brochure and photos of the interior rooms of the steamers.

Armstrong Line Image of Ad from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana

Boston Fruit Company Line (Also known as The United Fruit Company) Image of Ad from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana. Fleet; as of 1907: Admiral Dewey, 2104 tons; Admiral Sampson, 2104 tons; Admiral Farragut, 2104 tons; Brooklin, 1357 tons; Barnstaple, 1356 tons and 74 others.

Canadian National Steamships - (1938 brochure (cover at bottom left, and inside of brochure) from Björn Larsson; creator of Maritime Timetable Images. (See link above) This company initially serviced Bermuda but in 1936 began routes to British Guiana, continuing to the 1950s. Some of this Line's ships had "Lady" names. Their 1936 fleet included: Lady Somers, Lady Rodney, Lady Hawkins, Lady Drake, Lady Nelson and some were "Prince". Check the Maritime Timetable Images site (link just above) for more information.

Corry & Company - Had a route from London to South America from 1903 to 1914. In 1914, this line became a part of the Commonwealth & Dominion Line which was later renamed the Port Line. (1903 online info)

Furness, Withy & Co. (Furness West Indies Line) - Fleet includes; SS Fort St. George; SS Maraval; SS Nerrisa; SS Dominica. These steamers had regular routes from Demerara to New York and regularly advertised Cruises to the West Indies from the early 1920s up to 1952. The company's Prince Line served only South American ports such as Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo, and Buenos Aires. The company also had a Bermuda line and a Warren line which served Great Britain and Canada only. (Brochure collection of Björn Larsson; creator of Maritime Timetable Images( See link above)).

Hamburg-American Packet Company (Hamburg-American and Hamburg-South America Line) - This company began South American routes in 1872 and made stops in the USA at Baltimoe & Boston.

Harrison Line, Thomas and James Harrison, United Kingdom - 1938 Fleet: SS Inkosi, SS Inanda. (Harrison Line Brochure collection of Björn Larsson; creator of Maritime Timetable Images (See link above)

The Demerara & Berbice Steamship Co., Ltd. - From London to Demerara & Berbice (circa 1907)

G.R. Garnett (Agent) Image of Ad from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana

Imperial Direct West India Mail Service Col, Ltd. = Elder, Dempster & Co., Colonial House, Liverpool, London & Bristol. 1907 Fleet: Port Kingston, 7584 tons; Port Henderson, 5167 tons; Port Royal, 4455 tons; Port Antonio, 4458 tons; Port Morant, 2900 tons; and Port Maria, 29900 tons. The SSS Delta makes a round trip round Jamaica every week.

Liverpool Line - (Booker Bros., McConnell & Co. Ltd., 77 The Albany, Liverpool) First-class cargo steamers sail from Liverpool to Demerara direct every three weeks. They have accommodaion for a limited number of cabin passengers.

London Direct Line (This is from the 1882 BG Directory)

New York and Cuba Mail-Steampship Line Image of Ad from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana

Pickford & Black’s West India Line Steamers run monthly between St. John, N.B., Halifax, Nova Scotia and nearly all the Caribbean Islands, with Demerara being the last stop. Pickford & Black's schedule for Feb. 2, 1903 St. John, New Brunswick,Daily Telegraph newspaper ad. Fleet; as of 1907: Olenda, 4000 tons; Orinoco, 3000 tons; Oruro, 2000 tons; and Ocama, 2000 tons.

Prince Line (from Europe) Image of Ads from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana

Quebec Steamship Company Leaves New York once a month for Barbardos and Demerara. 1907 fleet: Guiana, 4000 tons; Pretoria, 3300 tons; Parima, 3000 tons; Korona, 3000 tons; Trinidad, 2500 tons; and Manoa, 300 tons; primarily all were frighters but were also popular passenger steamers. This line advertised West Indies Cruises aboard the Guiana or Parima. (Brochure collection of Björn Larsson; creator of Maritime Timetable Images)

Royal Dutch West Indian Mail Company Sends a monthly steamer to Hayti (sic), Curacao, Venezuelan ports, Trinidad, Demerara and Dutch Guiana

Royal Dutch West India Mail Service - de Ruyter kade 125, Amsterdam. Steamers sail from Amsterdam and New York very fornight. Fleet: Prins der Nederlanden, 1923 tons; Prins Frederik Hendrik, 2164 tons; Prins Maurits, 1777 tons; Prins Willem I., 1765 tons; Prins Willem II., 1621 tons; Prins Willem III., Prins Willem IV., 1713 tons, and Prins Willem V., 1777 tons. [data circa 1907]

Prince Line (from Europe) Image of Ads from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana

Royal Netherlands Steamship Company - New York. 1935/36 Fleet: Cottica, Van Van Rensselaer, Stuyvesant, and Oranje Nassau. Photos of the SS Cottica, exterior and interior, and brochure at Bjorn Larrson's site here - FABULOUS photos.
Southampton Royal West India Mail Line Steamers every two weeks direct from Southampton to Barbados, where a branch steamer, belonging to the same line, connects for Demerara.

Trinidad Line from New York to Trinidad every alternate Saturday (7 day trip) and from Trinidad by one of the numerous steamers running from Demerara. Note that in the "Encyclopedia of Ships & Shipping" by Herbert B. Mason, Nov. 9, 1908, three steamers made up their fleet: Grenada, Maraval, and Maracas.

Western Ocean Steamship Co - 1929/1930 fleet: SS Western Ocean, SS Western Wave, and Madison.


Advertisements, Colonial British Guiana (circa 1909 or otherwise noted)
The American Saloon - No. 17 Water Street, Georgetown
Demerara Ice House - D'Aguiar Brothers
Dyett Private Board and Lodging House - 30 Main Street, Georgetown
The Eldorado Hotel - Corner of Croal and High Streets, Georgetown
The Grand Central Hotel - corner of Water and Commerce Streets, Georgetown
Royal Albert Hotel - Hadfield Street, Georgetown
Tower Hotel - Georgetown
The White House - Berbice Hotel (This is an 1880 ad, BG Directory)

The American Saloon - No. 17 Water Street, Georgetown

Demerara Ice House - D'Aguiar Brothers

Dyett Private Board and Lodging House - 30 Main Street, Georgetown

The Eldorado Hotel - Corner of Croal and High Streets, Georgetown

The Grand Central Hotel - corner of Water and Commerce Streets, Georgetown

Royal Albert Hotel - Hadfield Street, Georgetown

The White House - Berbice Hotel (This is an 1880 ad, BG Directory)